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61 Cards in this Set

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Functions of the Skeletal system


Facial expression


Body position

Regulation of temperatureorigin


The place where the Muscle stars on a bone; stationary


The place where the muscle ends on the bone

Muscle Action

The insertion moves towards the origin (bicep curls)

Reverse Muscle Action

When the insertion is anchored, the origin can move towards the insertion (pull ups)

First Class Levers

E^ F L_


Neck and maxilla

Second Class Levers

F L_ E^

Wheel barrow

Going on reléve

Third Class Levers

F E^ L_


Elbow joint

Abduction of the arm

Agonist: deltoid

Antagonist: latissimus dorsi

Synergist: supraspinatus

Fixator: trapezius

Flexion of the Forearm

Agonist: brachialis

Antagonist: triceps Branchii

Synergist: biceps Branchii

Fixator: pectoralis major

Organization of Muscle

Groups of muscle (deep fascia)

Muscle (epimysium)

Fascicles (perimysium)

Myofibril (endomysium)

Major Structures of a Muscle Fiber

Sarcolemna: conduction of electrical signals

SR: control of muscle contraction/ calcium storage

Myrofibrils: contraction via sacromeres


Z-discs: define length

h-zone: only thick filament

M-line: down the middle

A band: all thick filament

I band: only thin filament

ZOO: overlap

Titin filament: pulls apart during relaxation

Thin filament

Actin: myosin binding site

Troponin: holds tropomyosin in place, moves when Ca binds

Tropomyosin: covers myosin binding site on actin

Thick filament

Myosin: motor protein, form crossbridges with actin

Sliding Filament Mechanism

Myosin heads form cross bridges, conformational change energized ATP hydrolysis causes power strokes and think filaments slide over thick

Contraction cycle (1)

Myosin binding sites on actin are exposed when Ca binds to troponin

Contraction cycle (2)

Myosin heads form crossbridges

Contraction cycle (3)

Myosin heads pivot towards the center of the sacromere

Contraction cycle (4)

ATP binds to myosin Head, and detaches the from actin

Contraction cycle (5)

ATP hydrolysis and the energy released re-energized the myosin head back to cocked position

Contraction cycle (6)

Repeats until myosin binding site on actin is no longer available

Rigor of Death

Lack of ATP to detach myosin Head from actin

Components of NMJ

Motor Nueron

Synaptic end bulb

Voltage gated calcium channel

Acetylcholine vessels

Synaptic cleft

Acetylcholine receptors

Motor end plate





NMJ (1)

Action potential arrives at synaptic end bulb and voltage gated calcium channels open

NMJ (2)

Synaptic vessels with acetylcholine go through exocytosis

NMJ (3)

Acetylcholine is released into synaptic cleft and binds to receptors in the motor end plate of sarcolemna

NMJ (4)

Acetylcholine receptors opens and allow sodium to enter the muscle fiber, generating action potential on the sarcolemna

NMJ (5)

Acetylcholine beaks Down into acetylcholine esterase

Acetylcholine Esterase

East remaining acetylcholine in synaptic cleft so that another muscle action potential does not arise unless more acetylcholine is released from the motor neuron

Role of Calcium

Calcium diffuses into sarcoplasmic and myofibrils where it can bind to troponin and initiate contraction

Order of muscle contraction

1 excitation: motor neuron sends signal to sodium influx

2 contraction coupling: action potential on sarcolemna to release of calcium from SR

3 contraction: calcium bind to troponin to detachment of crossbridge

4 relaxation: AP stops to sacromere to resting position

Creatine Phosphate Pool

Fastest way to create ATP

~ 15 sec sustainability

Glycogen (anaerobic)


Creates pyruvate acid and lactic acid

Occurs in cytoplasm

~ 2 min of sustainability

Glycogen (aerobic)

Cellular respiration with amino acids, fatty acids, pyruvic acid, oxygen


Slow process

~ 40 min (to several hours) sustainability


Progressive increase in the effort required to maintain a desired force, and progressive inability to maintain this force in sustained or repetitive contractions

Causes of Fatigue

Glycogen depletion

Lactic acid buildup from anaerobic glycolysis

Phosphate build up from creation phosphate metabolism

Most Common Fatigue




Cori Cycle

Muscle creates lactic acid through anaerobic glycolysis

Lactic acid is turned into glucose in the liver

Glucose returns to muscle

O2 Debt

Excess post exercise oxygen consumption

Caused by: Cori cycle, resynthesis of creatine, replace oxygen with myoglobin, repair


Arising from a single electrical stimulus

Twitch sequence

Latent period: 2 msec, no change in tension

Contraction period: 10-100 msec, peak tension

Relaxation period: 10-100 msec, tension decreases

Temporal Summation (tetanus)

Increasing frequency of electrical stimulus to increase tension

Motor unit

A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates

Special Summation

Motor unit recruitment to increase tension

Size Principal

Small fibers are used first and large ones are used last


Same length


Same tension; after tension is generated length can change

Concentric contraction

Effort > load

Eccentric Contraction

Load > effort

Nervous Strategies to Increase Tension

1) temporal Summation

2) spatial Summation

Controlled Strategies to increase force

Optimal fiber length at he beginning of contraction. Tension generated is proportional to the number of crossbridges formed. Peak tension is developed by utilizing intermediate fibers

Slow Oxidative fibers


Slowly contracting

Aerobic metabolism

Fast Glycolytic

Rapidly contracting



Oxidative-Glycolutic Fibers

Medium in size

Relatively fast

Primarily anaerobic


With training, each muscle fiber increases in diameter because it increases the amount of myofibrils


Decreased diameter due to decreased myofibrils but amount of nuclei stay the same

Muscle Adaptations

Increased capillary action

Increased mitochondria

Increased cross sectional area

Cardiac Muscle

Pumps blood

Smaller branched cells

Organized into sacromeres

Longer contraction than skeletal

No sufficient Ca from SR

Extracellular SR

Pacemaker cells

No motor units

No temporal summation

Smooth Muscle

No sacromeres

Crossbridges form

Contraction is very slow

Cytoplasmic Ca binds to calmodulin, myosin light chain kinase, myosin Head group stimulates

Structural proteins

Titin: spans half the sacromere from z-disc to m line, stabilizes thick filament

Dystrophin: cytoskeleton protein that links thin filaments to sarcolemna

Nebulin: spans the length of thin filament, anchors thin filament to z disc

Alpha-actin: found in z disc, binds to actin molecules

Myomesin: found in m-line, binds to titin and thick filaments to connect them together