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21 Cards in this Set

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free association
a technique used in psychoanalysis in which the patient says whatever comes to mind and the train of thought reveals the patient's issues and ways of dealing with them
dream analysis
the therapist examines the content of dreams to gain access to the unconscious
psycho dynamic theory
a less intensive form of psychoanalysis

bring the unconscious impulses to awareness
psycho analysis
intensive form of therapy
client centered therapy
a type of insight-oriented therapy that focuses on people's potential for growth and the importance of an empathic therapist
according to client centered therapy, a mismatch between a person's real self and his or her ideal self
behavior therapy
a type of therapy based on well-researched learning principles, that focuses on changing observable, measurable behaviors

use of learning
systematic desensitization
a behavior therapy technique that teaches people to be relaxed in the presence of a feared object or situation
progressive muscle relaxation
the person relaxes muscles sequentially from one end of the body to the other
a therapeutic technique based on classical conditioning that rest on the principle of habituation
stimulus control
controlling the exposure to a stimulus that elicits a conditioned response, so as to decrease or increase the frequency of the response

buying 1 donut instead of 12
behavior modification
changing behavior based on operant conditioning principles
cognitive therapy
focuses on the client's thoughts rather than his or her feelings or behaviors
cognitive distortions
irrational thoughts that arise from a systematic bias in the way a person thinks about reality
cognitive restructuring
the process of helping clients shift their thinking away from the focus on automatic, dysfunctional thoughts to more realistic ones
the use of medication to treat psychological disorders and problems
electroconvulsive therapy
use of an electric current to induce a controlled brain seizure in people with certain psychological disorders

when medication has not been effective
individual therapy
individual client is treated by a single therapist
group therapy
a number of clients with compatible needs meet together with one or two therapist
family therapy
a family or certain members of a family are treated
self help groups
a group whose members focus on a specific disorder or event and do not usually have a clinically trained leader, also called a support group