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47 Cards in this Set

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What is the broad term covering:

All therapeutic approaches - psychodynamic therapy = therapy based on psychoanalysis


What is the professional name for therapist?


What is the professional name for the patient or client?


Who is supposed to interpret the latent content (including dreams, though not only this)?


Who is supposed to talk as much as possible and free associate?


What is often done by the Analysand in which it creates obstacles to treatment due to the threat it poses?


In psychotherapy, what is the concept of developing a relationship with the analyst that mimics a past relationship, often with a parent?

Transference (involves treatment to work through this relationship and stop living in the past)

What are the three variables of personality structure in the psychoanalytic framework?

Id, ego, and superego

Which agent of personality mediates between the id and the external world, acts as reality principle?


Which agent of personality is dominated by urges, acts as pleasure principle, and acts as a link of the body to the personality?


Which agent of personality acts as the conscience and involves moral values and higher levels of thought and being?


In the psychoanalytic theory, what concept is believed to be the id oriented toward destruction, seen as “slow suicide?,” and substance use is seen as a symptom of a repressed conflict?

Drive reduction

In the psychoanalytic theory, what is more modern, focuses on deficient ego, most unable to self-regulate and cope with it, and substance use being a symptom of underlying coping/personality problems?

Ego psychology

In psychoanalytic theory, what predisposing factor is a hunger or craving (“addictive personality,” and is internal?

Addictive search

In psychoanalytic theory, what predisposing factor involves drugs/alcohol availability in the environment?

Adventitious entrance

What ego defense mechanism is about making assumptions about others’ feelings based on own feelings….”You must hate me” (because I hate myself)?


What ego defense mechanism is about making excuses and explanations for own behavior, even if that was not the true reason?


What ego defense mechanism is about making excuses and explanations for own behavior, even if that was not the true reason?


What ego defense mechanism is about going backward developmentally when threatened (throwing tantrum, wanting to be comforted like a child)?


What ego defense mechanism is about making excuses and explanations for own behavior, even if that was not the true reason?


What ego defense mechanism is about going backward developmentally when threatened (throwing tantrum, wanting to be comforted like a child)?


What ego defense mechanism is about trying to “make up” for recent behavior to erase it (being extra kind and caring after lashing out at spouse)?


To solve these who defense mechanisms, psychoanalysis says there is a need to integrate what with the conscious, make peace with threats, and work through past conflicts and emotions?


To solve these who defense mechanisms, psychoanalysis says there is a need to integrate what with the conscious, make peace with threats, and work through past conflicts and emotions?


In addiction as a defense mechanism, substance use protects what from anxiety?

The ego

In addiction as a defense mechanism, what is the feeling of the addict believing nothing can touch them or having a feeling of power over others?

Feeling omnipotent

What is the hypothesis in which different drugs are used to treat different symptoms (EX: stimulants for depression)?

Self-medication hypothesis

What group often does not address internal issue of self-medication?

Legal controls

What group often does not address internal issue of self-medication?

Legal controls

True or false? Those drawn to more extreme, illegal drugs are more likely to have severe problems.


What group often does not address internal issue of self-medication?

Legal controls

True or false? Those drawn to more extreme, illegal drugs are more likely to have severe problems.


Which stage of recovery is “I can’t,” and involves reliance on external control?

Stage I

What group often does not address internal issue of self-medication?

Legal controls

True or false? Those drawn to more extreme, illegal drugs are more likely to have severe problems.


Which stage of recovery is “I can’t,” and involves reliance on external control?

Stage I

What stage of recovery is “I won’t” and is internalized?

Stage II

What stage of recovery is “I don’t need to,” and is mostly not reached by addicts?

Stage III

What stage of recovery is “I don’t need to,” and is mostly not reached by addicts?

Stage III

What therapy is less commonly used now for addiction, doesn’t involve enough “ego strength” or empirical evidence that it works?

Traditional psychoanalytic therapy

What stage of recovery is “I don’t need to,” and is mostly not reached by addicts?

Stage III

What therapy is less commonly used now for addiction, doesn’t involve enough “ego strength” or empirical evidence that it works?

Traditional psychoanalytic therapy

What alternative for traditional psychoanalytic therapy works on relational issues that may underlie substance use?

Relational psychoanalysis

What stage of recovery is “I don’t need to,” and is mostly not reached by addicts?

Stage III

What therapy is less commonly used now for addiction, doesn’t involve enough “ego strength” or empirical evidence that it works?

Traditional psychoanalytic therapy

What alternative for traditional psychoanalytic therapy works on relational issues that may underlie substance use?

Relational psychoanalysis

What therapeutic alternative involves working as partners and prevents relapse?

Harm reduction