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25 Cards in this Set

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def initialize
class Language
def initialize(name, creator)
@name = name
@creator = creator
create instance of a class. Must pass parameters
ruby = Language.new("Ruby", "Yukihiro Matsumoto")
Call a method
Variables and methods can be available everywhere (global), vars that are only available to certain methods (local variables), vars/methods that are members of a certain class, and ones that are only available to particular instances of a class (instance variables).
Scope notation
$ - global (if defined inside class, else no prefix needed), @-instance, @@-class
Can access global directly. Class need classname before '.' Instance needs object name before '.'
Key value syntax for hashes
New: {hello: "Hello, world!"}
Old: {:hello=>"Hello, world!"}
Initialise var
var =0
Return var
Just the name of the var, or return var
Accessing a key in a hash
puts my_hash["name"]
Creating a hash
Setting a variable equal to Hash.new creates a new, empty hash; it's the same as setting the variable equal to empty curly braces ({}).
.each iterator
friends.each { |x| puts "#{x}" }
Accessing value of a hash - 4 methods
stones.each { |k, v| puts "Key: #{k}, Value: #{v}" }
stones.each_key { |key| puts "#{key}" }
stones.each_value { |val| puts "#{val}" }
stones.each_pair { |k, v| puts "Key: #{k}, Value: #{v}" }
Class inheritance (of methods etc)
class MyApp < Application
super method
When you call super from inside a method, that tells Within method, just write 'super'
Looks in the superclass of the current class and find a method with the same name as the one from which super is called. If it finds it, Ruby will use the superclass' version of the method
attr_accessor syntax
attr_accessor :y, :x
After def initialize block in class block
If the user didn't choose q/Q above, thus calling the return "str" (ie exit), then we just the method again from within itself. This is called "recursion" and is a very useful way to loop through a program.
Select method - what does it do?
It takes a block and passes in each item one after the other. If the block returns true, then that item is included in the output; if it returns false, it is left out.
PG gem connecting to database via hash, and closing connection
@@conn = PG.connect(:dbname =>'shelter', :host => 'localhost')
PG gem data insertion to database
sqlclient = "insert into clients (name, age) values ('#{name}', '#{age}')"
domain specific language, eg rspec
rspec DSL syntax
describe "::new" do #label for test, can use any word
it "creates a new Bank object" do #msge for test
Creating instance variable within a Class
Has to be in def initialize.
When use rbenv rehash?
Every time you install a new version of Ruby or install a gem that provides a command (write 'gem name' in CLI and press enter to check), run rbenv rehash to make sure any new commands are shimmed. When you execute a shim, rbenv determines which Ruby version to use
Adding an instance to an array using a method
def add_client(client)
@clients << client
#if use = then not adding to end of array - just var