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38 Cards in this Set

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with regard to reproduction, all of the following are linked with erotophobia except

fearfulness about pregnancy results in high utilization of prenatal medical care


strenghtens self perception of being a mother

in the politics of birth practices, the authors find support for their hypothesis that in societies without centralized authority over pregnancy and its outcomes

birth practices represent bargaining mechanisms that grant paternity benefits to men

which statement about the hormones associated with pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum is correct

frequently suckling keeping oxytocin levels thereby inhibiting fsh, lh, and estrogen

which of the following is not characteristic of the first trimester or pregnancy

vascualr changes associated with severe edema (high blood pressure) are common

sexual activity during the postpartum phase is typically associated with

milk ejection during orgasm in nursing mothers from release of oxytocin

which is not one of the benefits of nursing for the mother and / or the infant

as long as the mother continues to nurse even if the infant is supplemented food, ovulation is suppressed

which correctly matches the form of contraception with a benefit of using that method

oral contraceptive pills- protection against ovarian and endometrial cancers

emergency contraceptive (post coital) pills (ex. plan b)

have the same mechanisms of action as that of daily birth control pills

compared to male condoms, the female condom

provides good protectino from stis and is more pleasurable for both partners

the most common method of reversible contraception used world wide are _______: whereas the most widely used method of reversible contrapection in the developed world are

iuds: hormonal pills

all of the following reduce the effectiveness of daily hormonal contraceptive pills except

illness that reduces absorption in the GI tract

in contrast to erotophiles, erotphobes are more likely to

reject non coital forms of sexual behavior which have lower risk of pregnancy

research on the psychological impact of resolving unwanted pregnancy reveals that

women find the unwanted pregnancy itself very distressing, depressing, and disturbing

research on women in theUS who have experienced first trimester abortinos for psychological reasons, reels that

teens who have aborted have superior adjustment and prognosis to pregnant teens who give birth and rear the child

the limited research on the impact of unwanted pregnancy on teen males involved in the pregnancy suggest that most males

found the pregnancy very stressful and expected to be treated poorly by others

research reviewed in mcfarlanes and shains articles on the history of cross cultural aspects of abortion indicates that

abortions were widespread and not considered a great moral issue in the us in the early 1800s

which statement about the occurence of abortion in the us is true

the vast majority of abortions terminate pregnancies arising from failure to use contraceptino

which of the following statements is correct about the development of the conceptus based on age post fertilization

about 24 weeks PF, the fetus achieved viability, survival requires extenisve medical care

which statement about methods used prior to the end of the cycle to prevent implantation is true

menstrual extraction (preemptive aspiration) is not legally defined as abortion

in the us, vaccum aspiration

is the most common method of abortino

which would explain that the fact that a child was bonr with no testes, no internal reproductive organs, a clitoris, labia, and vagina pouch, and will later develope breasts but will not have a hormone cycle

the child is xy, produced hormones during gestatino but lacks receptors specific to androgen

among individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) aka ASG

a major clue to the condition is lack of testicles in the scotal sac

research on the pattern of gendered behavior in males and females indicates that

the pattern of male sexual behavior is very similar in a wide variety of cultures

the ________- develops into teh uterus, fallopian tubes, and vaginal canal

mullerian ducts

during pubertal differentation, androgens stimulate _______, while estrogens stimulate _______

long bone growth: bone mineralization (density)

if the sry gene was present and expressed in a xx conceptus, it directly cause the development of the


during male/female differentiation of the fetus _______ is responsible for establishing the potential for a non cylic pattern of hormone production during puberty


hijras of india

represent a third gender and are valued or some qualities and shunned/feared for others

according to western scientific nomenclature, which of the following is false

a male whose biologic sex is ego-dystonic, develops a female core gender identity, and wears female clothing to create a congruent gender role is a male to female transsexual (transgender)

the native american two spirit

serve a spiritual role in the community as mediators between men and women

given the most recent research on the biological correlates of sexual orientation, male homosexuality

may be influenced by antibody formation to h-y antigen by the maternal immune system

in the article breaking the mirror, same sex sexual behavior among females across several societies is examined. the author reports that

both formal and informal samisen relation co exist with heterosexual marriage in at leat some societies

the vector model of sexual orientation

four outcomes based on two different homoerotic and heteroerotic continua

cross cultural research on same sexual behavior reveals that the homosexual role

is more common in cultures that instituationalize monosexuality rather than ambisexuality

which is the correct label of same sex behavior that involves peers, requires that one person have a gender different from their anatomic sex, and make no distinction between the top or bottom role in the relationship

inttrageneratinoal, gender transforming, fluid role


is more common as a sexual orientation among females than males

the bem model of sexual oreintation asserts all of the following except

gender typical or gender atypical behavior emerge due to socialization