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30 Cards in this Set

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Compare/ contrast wealth and income.
wealth- the total value of everything someone owns, minus the debts
income- money received, usually from a job, business or assets
What is power elite? Who?
C. Wright Mills
-term for the top people in the US corporations, military and politics who make the nation's major decisions
What is an anomie? Who?
a condition of society in which people become detached from the norms that usually guide their behavior
What are contradictory class locations? Who?
Erik Wright
position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests
Who is the underclass?
a group of people for whom poverty persists year after year across generations
What is intergenerational mobility?
the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next
What is structural mobility?
movement up or down the social class ladder that is due to changes in the structure of society, not to individual efforts
What is exchange mobility?
about the same numbers of people moving up and down the social class ladder such that on balance, the social class system shows little change
How do we calculate the poverty line?
includes incomes that are three times a low cost food budget
What is the feminization of poverty?
refers to the situation that most poor families in the US are headed by women
What is deferred gratification?
doing without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future
What is the Horatio Algo myth?
the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahead if he or she tries hard enough
What is gender stratification?
males/ females have unequal access to power, prestige and property
Sex vs. gender
biological characteristics vs. learned behaviors
What is feminism?
the philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically and socially equal
What is the glass ceiling?
the mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing to the top levels at work
What is genocide generally based on?
race or ethnicity
Race vs. Ethnicity
race- a group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups
ethnicity- having distinctive cultural characteristics
What is ethnic work?
activities designated to discover, enhance, or maintain ethnic and racial identity
Discrimination vs. prejudice
act vs. attitude
Institutional discrimination AKA
systemic discrimination
What is institutional discrimination?
negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society's institutions
What is authoritarian personality? Who?
Theodor Adorno
people who are prejudiced and rank high on scales of conformity, intolerance, insecurity, respect for authority and submissiveness to superiors
Explain the split labor market.
workers split along racial, ethnic, gender, age etc., this split is exploited by owners to weaken the bargaining power of workers
Explain the term, compartmentalize.
to separate acts from feelings or attitudes
What is ethnic cleansing?
a policy of eliminating a population, includes forcible expulsion and genocide
What is internal colonialism?
the policy of exploiting minority groups for economic gain
What is WASP? white ethnics?
white angle saxon protestants

white immigrants to the US that differ from the WASP culture
Rising expectations, if unfulfilled lead to...
increased frustration
What is pan-Indianism?
a movement that focuses on common elements in the cultures of Native Americans in order to develop a cross-tribal self identity and to work toward the welfare of Native Americans