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24 Cards in this Set

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It depends on

بستگی دارد به

at the expense of the …….

at the expense of the environment

به ضرر فلان چیز- به هزینه فلان چیز-

به ضرر محیط زیست

Synonyms of :

I think …

I assume …

I tend to have the view that…

I suppose … گمان میکنم

I’m of the opinion that …

place a limit on …

set a cap …

محدودیت گذاشتن

محدود کردن

place a limit on …

set a cap …

محدودیت گذاشتن

محدود کردن

… is a wise decision

…. تصمیم عاقلانه ای هست.

Social interaction

Personal growth

تعامل اجتماعی

رشد شخصی

Imposing restriction

اعمال محدودیت

Synonyms of :

The passage suggests …..

The proposal recommends…

The passage submits…

The proposal offers…

The passage propose…




Noun: They have some effect on each other.

Verb: They affect each other.

Synonyms of:

The passage discusses . . .

1- The passage discusses ( about نمیاد بعدش) اسم میاد- environment

2- the text mentions…

2- the passage brings up…

But also vice versa

Adverb : بلکه برعکس






تلاش کردن

try : verb and noun

attempt: verb and noun

seek: verb: attempt to find

effort: noun

labor: verb and noun: work

Synonyms of have something




express disappointment

ابراز نا امیدی کردن

verb of attend examples:

بعدش to نمیاد

They attended the wedding.

I attended him to the airport.

Many attended his funeral.

prediction/deduction حدسزدن

Make a guess

1- Present


1- present- must

You must be (might be) 36.

Negative: You can’t be 36.

2- past- must have

You must have eaten too much.


She can’t have studied enough.

تصمیم بد

foolish/ insane/ unwise decision

او نگرانی های مربوط‌ بهرا رد کرد.

She dismisses …

She dismisses concerns about…

به راحتی قابل مدیریت کردن است.

به سختی قابل مدیریت کردن است.

It is easily manageable

It is hardly manageable


Applications of “The”

1-denoting دلالت کردن one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge.

“What’s the matter”

“The Mona Lisa”

2-used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase.

“the fuss that he made of her”

3-used to make a generalized reference to something rather than identifying a particular instance.

“he taught himself to play the violin”

4- enough of (a particular thing).

“he hoped to publish monthly, if only he could find the money”

5-(pronounced stressing “the”) used to indicate that someone or something is the best known or most important of that name or type.

“he was the hot young piano prospect in jazz”

6-used adverbially with comparatives to indicate how one amount or degree of something varies in relation to another.

“the more she thought about it, the more devastating it became”

relative pronoun

Correct form of

that his name is…”

that his car is…”

that her dress is…”

whose car is …

whose name is …

Whose dress is …

در موردشون اینجوری فکر میشه که


1) They are thought to …verb

2) It is thought that they are…

It is believed that mohsen is a fun boy= Mohsen is believed to be a fun boy.

منجر شدن- ختم شدن به

ended-up ….

end-up …

- میتونه با with باشه بعدش و میتونه نباشه

- بعدش حتما فعل با ing میاد

It ended-up with sending emails to United State’s universities.