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29 Cards in this Set

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What modifications could be made to the sports in order to include everybody?

- Everyone must touch the ball before scoring a goal

- Everyone must score a goal to win the game

List reasons why people participate in recreational activities

- To make friends

- To give back to the community

- For self satisfaction

How does Australias economy benefit from recreation?

- It decreases mental health issues

- It improves relationships with family and friends

- It decreases obesity and diseases

Due to having decreased health risks it means that the cost of medicare, psychologist appointments etc are decreased

What employment disadvantages exist in working in the sport and recreation industry?

- The amount of disposable income

List some facts about the sport and rec industry in Australia:

- 11.6% of South Australian jobs are in the recreation industry

- $23 billion income annually throughout Australia

When advertising it is most important to keep what in mind?

- The target audience

- The date

- The time

- The location

Useful ways to make a recreation game enjoyable for everyone:

- Modify the rules

eg. no contact and a smaller playing surface

provides recreation leisure and services in community settings

community recreation

This industry is convergence with animal racing and any gambling based on racing


This industry consists of individuals, groups or organisations who engage in activities happening in an outdoor environment

outdoor recreation

This industry includes services and programs that develop top physical fitness

Health and fitness

this industry typically involves competitive and organised activities that require physical skills and/or exertion


a person appointed to administer or manage the financial assets and liabilities of a society, company, local authority, or other body.


Someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject


A person responsible for controlling to administering an organisation or group or staff


a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, make appointments, and carry out administrative tasks


warm up

- small jog

- leg swings

- arm swings

- lunges

(dynamic stretches)

cool down

- slow jog

- stretches

(static stretches)

Best ways to advertise:

- Posters

- Flyers

- Notice boards

- Social media

How could you asses the likelihood of a risk resulting in an injury?

- Have qualified people and supervisors identify any risks and fix them

- Look at injury statistics for the venue

How could you manage bad behaviour which could result in risks?

- Have the rules clearly stated

- Have lots of supervision

- Give out consequences if the rules are breached

If a supplier has sold poorly constructed equipment to the fitness centre and a member subsequently has an accident while using it, what piece of relevant legislation would apply?

Occupational Health and Safety

Give 2 examples of recreation goods or services which have led to increased employment

- Marine national parks

- National parks

chair person

Top official who chairs the meetings and represents the club

characteristics of employment in the recreation industry:

- president

- coach

- umpire

Advantages of working in the recreation industry

- to help promote physical activity

- you have the opportunity to teach your skills to others




Self satisfaction and enjoyment

What is industry?

- a term used to describe business activity on either a small or large scale