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36 Cards in this Set

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sensory system
provides up with an awareness of our external and internal envieonments
sensory receptors
detects a stimulus
receptors for taste and smell
responds to light
detect changes in environment
respond to movement such as stretch, pressure or vibration
threshold stimulus
stimulus of adequate intensity
special sense
vision, hearing, equilibrium, taste, smell
general sense
throughout the body
pressure, temperature, pain, touch and sense of position
-delicate organ and protected by
-skull bones form eye orbit and protect posterior part of the eyelid
-upper and lower eyelids aid in protecting the eyes anterior portion- keep harmful materials out of the eye and blinking lubricates the eye
-eyelashes and eyebrows help to keep foreign matter out of the eye
-conjunctiva- lines the inner surface of the eyelids and covers visible portion of the site of the eye
-lacrimal glands- produce tears to lubricates eye and contain enzyme to protect against infection
made of tough connective tissue and commonly referred to as white of the eye
outermost layer of eye
middle layer of eye that is pigmented
composed of delicate network of connective tissue
eyes actual receptor layer
innermost layer
contains light sensitive cells- rods and cones
bending of light rays as they pass from one medium to another of a different density
highly sensitive to light and thus function best in dim light do not provide shape image
function best in bright lights are sensitive to color and give sharp images
localized at retinal center
extrinsic muscles
voluntary muscles attached to eyeballs outer surface
centering of not eyes on same visual field
intrinsic muscles
involuntary muscles located within the eyeballs
form the iris and ciliary muscle
visible pigmented part of eye
iris's central opening
ciliary muscles
eye muscle that controls the shape of the lens
optic nerve
carries visual impulses from rods and cones to the brain
opthalamic branch of the trigeminal nerve
carries impulses of pain, touch and temperature
optic disk
blind spot
oculmotor nerve
supplies voluntary and involuntary motor impulses to all but two eye muscles
trochlear nerve
supplies superior oblique extrinsic eye muscle
abducens nerve
supplies lateral rectus extrinsic eye muscles
sense organ of hearing and equilibrium
diving into three sections- outer, middle and inner ear
outer ear
outer projection and canal ending at membrane
middle ear
air space containing three small bones
inner ear
most complex
contains sensory receptors for hearing and equilibrium
sense of balance
receptors respond to acceleration and are ciliated hair cells
sense of taste
involve receptors in tongue and two different nerves that carry taste impulses to brain
taste buds
taste receptors
basic tastes
sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami