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40 Cards in this Set

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accuse of


Buộc tội

to say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad

allege /əˈledʒ/

to accuse someone of doing something, although this has not been proved


if the police charge someone, they officially tell that person that they are believed to be guilty of a crime and that they must go to court


to officially accuse someone of a crime so that they will be judged in court under the American legal system

The professor has been accused of stealing his student’s ideas and publishing them.

crude (adj)


raw, unrefined, coarse, rough


Crude oil is usually called petroleum.

eager (adj)


keen and excited, impatient, enthusiastic

Háo hức, thiết tha

full of desire, interest

He was eager to meet the girl of his dreams.

apparatus (n)


tool, equipment, gear

Dụng cụ

Astronauts have special breathing apparatus.

exude (v)


emit, radiate

Thể hiện, tỏ ra

if you exude a particular quality, it is easy to see that you have a lot of it

give off

Rỉ ra, ứa ra, lan ra (chất lỏng, mùi)

She exudes self-confidence.

The plant exudes a sticky liquid.

impartial (adj)


unbiased, fair, just

Công bằng

Teacher is supposed to be impartial to every students.

frankly (adv)


honestly, in truth, directly

Thành thực mà nói

Frankly, I don’t think she has much chance of getting that job.

intriguing (adj)


interesting, fascinating, curious or amusing, beguiling /bɪˈɡaɪlɪŋ/

Hấp dẫn

something that is intriguing is very interesting because it is strange, mysterious, or unexpected

The diversity of colors and designs of their dresses was so intriguing.

launch (v)


propel, dispatch, shoot

Hạ thủy, phóng

begin, start, commence

Khởi đầu

He launched a new Vietnamese restaurant.

The Russians have launched a rocket.

rational (adj)


logical, reasonable, sensible

Hợp lý, có lý trí

rational thoughts, decisions etc are based on reasons rather than emotions

Education helps us to make rational decisions.

Man is a rational animal.

pacify (v)


placate /pləˈkeɪt/

appease /əˈpiːz/

soothe /suːð/


Dỗ dành, làm yên

to make someone calm, quiet, and satisfied after they have been angry or upset

As I drove home, I tried to think how I was going to pacify my wife, who was sure to be angry.

pacify ← peace

paradox (n)


contradiction /ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkʃən/

anomaly /əˈnɑːməli/

Ngược đời

a statement that seems impossible because it contains two opposing ideas that are both true

It’s a paradox that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.

plausible (adj)


reasonable, believable, feasible, conceivable

Hợp lý

His story certainly sounds plausible.

potent (adj)


powerful, effective, mighty (hùng mạnh)

Có uy lực, có khả năng


Có thẩm quyền

A potent vaccines for AIDS was developed in the US.

be preoccupied with


absorbed in, engrossed in

Ưu tư, bận tâm

thinking about something a lot, with the result that you do not pay attention to other things

He’s completely preoccupied with all the wedding preparations at the moment.

profoundly (adv)


deeply, heavily, seriously, extremely

Sâu sắc

The mother’s behaviour has a profound impact on the developing child.

a profound question

ritual, rite (n)


ceremony, convention (quy ước)

Nghi lễ

Some religous rituals include sacraments and sacrifices.

roughly (adv)


not gently

Thô ráp, dữ dội, thô lỗ

He grabbed her roughly.

autonomous (adj)


independent, self-ruling, free

Tự trị, độc lập

an autonomous place or organization is free to govern or control itself

having the ability to work and make decisions by yourself without any help from anyone else

Galicia is an autonomous region of Spain.

conceivable (adj)


plausible, reasonable, feasible, believable, imaginable

Hợp lý, có thể hiểu được

We were discussing the problems from every conceivable angle.

derive from (v)


originate, stem, come from, develop from

Xuất phát từ

This word is derived from Latin.

to etch (v)


carve, engrave, imprint


to cut lines on a metal plate, piece of glass, stone etc to form a picture or words

His name was etched on the trophy.

burrow (v)


dig, excavate, uncover, unearth


to make a hole or passage in the ground

Mother turtles burrow into the sand to lay their eggs.

extravagant (adj)


wasteful, spending too much, expensive, costly

Phung phí

spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford


Làm quá

doing or using something too much or more than is necessary

Would it be too extravagant to buy both?

Don’t be too extravagant with the wine.

imperceptible (adj)


faint /feɪnt/: mờ nhạt

indiscernible /ˌɪndɪˈsɜːnəbəl/

Khó thấy, khó chú ý

almost impossible to see or notice

Such changes are imperceptible to even the best-trained eye.

ephemeral (adj)


transitory /ˈtrænzətəri/

short lived

Phù du, chóng tàn

existing for only a short time

Fashion is by nature ephemeral.

intant (adj)


not broken, undamaged, complete, entire, whole

Nguyên vẹn

The package arrived intact without any damages.

menace (n)


threat, intimidation, danger

Sự nguy hiểm, mối nguy hại

She had endured years of intimidation and violence.

That man’s a menace to society. He should be locked away.

intimidate (v)


threaten, frighten, cause danger

Đe dọa, gây nguy hại

They tried to intimidate the young people into voting for them.

kinship (n)


family relationship, ties of blood

Quan hệ gia định

affinity, bond, similarity

Cảm giác gần gũi với ai vì có cùng nguồn gốc, thái độ

a strong connection between people

Different ethnic groups have different systems of kinship.

He felt a real sense of kinship with his fellow soldiers.

preposterous (adj)


completely unreasonable, silly, foolish, ridiculous, absurd /əbˈsɜːrd/

Lố bịch, ngớ ngẩn

It's a preposterous claim that the government is trying to poison its citizens.

remnant (n)


remain, sediment, residue, deposit

Vật còn thừa

a small part of something that remains after the rest of it has been used, destroyed, or eaten

The shop is selling remnants of cloth at half price

sole, solely


single, only, alone, exclusive

Duy nhất, một mình

the sole person, thing etc is the only one

not shared with anyone else

Griffiths is the sole survivor of the crash.

Scholarships are given solely on the basis of financial need.

spur (v)


stimulate, encourage, incite, urge

Thúc đẩy, khuyến khích, thúc giục

to encourage someone or make them want to do something

Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth.

subsidiary (adj)


secondary, less important, auxiliary

Phụ trợ, (n) chi nhánh, công ty con

connected with, but less important than, something else

questions that are subsidiary to the main one.

utilitarian (adj)


practical, efficient, pragmatic, functional

Thiết thực, hữu dụng

Our plates and glasses are utilitarian rather than beautiful.

zenith (n)


the highest point, peak, apex, acme /ˈækmi/, pinnacle /ˈpɪnəkəl/

Cực điểm, tột đỉnh, đỉnh cao nhất

The Roman Empire reached its zenith around the year 100.

The sun reaches its zenith at midday.

relinquish (v)


give up, abandon, renounce, desert /dɪˈzɜːrt/

Từ bỏ

to let someone else have your position, power, or rights, especially unwillingly

No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.

Stultz relinquished control to his subordinate.

avid (adj)


eager, enthusiastic, passionate, keen

Khao khát, hăng hái, rất nhiệt tình

doing something as much as possible

As a keen writer and avid newspaper reader, Jenny had always wanted to be a journalist.

compliment (v, n)


to praise, flatter, commend

Khen ngợi

praise, flattery, commendation

Sự khen ngợi

All the guests paid her extravagant compliments.

Bob complimented me on my new hairstyle.