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20 Cards in this Set

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(adj.,part.) affiliated

associated, connected

syn. attached, related, joined

ant. dissociated, unconnected

(v.) ascertain

to find out

syn. discover, establish, determine

(n.) attainment

an accomplishment, the act of achieving

syn. achievement, fulfillment, realization

ant. failure, defeat, frustration

(v.) bequeath

to give or pass on as an inheritance

syn. transmit, bestow, handed down

(adj.) congent

forceful, convincing; relevant, to the point

syn. persuasive, compelling

ant. weak, unconvincing, ineffective, irrelevant

(v.) converge

to move toward one point, approach nearer together

syn. meet, unite, intersect, merge

ant. diverge, separate

(v.) disperse

to scatter, spread far and wide

syn. break up, dispel

ant. collect, congregate, assemble, muster

(v., n.) esteem

to regard highly; a highly favorable opinion or judgment

syn. respect, honor, revere

ant. disdain, scorn; contempt

(v.) expunge

to erase, obliterate, destroy

syn. efface, annihilate, delete

ant. insert, mark, imprint, impress, create

(adj.) finite

having limits; lasting for a limited time

syn. bounded, measurable, quantifiable

ant. unlimited, immeasurable, everlasting, eternal, endless

(adj.) invulnerable

not able to be wounded or hurt; shielded against attack

syn. impregnable, impervious, immune, resistant

ant. exposed, unprotected, defenseless

(adj.) malevolent

spiteful, showing ill will

syn. malicious, wicked, sinister, malignant

ant. kind, benevolent, compassionate

(adj.) nonchalant

cool and confident, unconcerned

syn. composed, unruffled, blasé, indifferent

ant. perturbed, agitated, disconcerted, abashed, fretful

(adj.) omniscient

knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding

syn. wise, all-knowing

ant. ignorant, unknowing

(n.) panacea

a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems

syn. universal cure, easy solution

ant. affliction

(adj.) scrupulous

exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled

syn. painstaking, meticulous, conscientious

ant. careless, negligent, remiss, dishonest

(v.) skulk

to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding

syn. lurk, slink, prowl, crept around

ant. sped

(adj.) supercilious

proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority

syn. snobbish, patronizing, overbearing

ant. humble, meek, deferential, servile

(adj.) uncanny

strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation

syn. inexplicable, spooky, eerie

(adj.) venial

easily excused; pardonable

syn. excusable, forgivable

ant. inexcusable, unforgivable, unpardonable