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34 Cards in this Set

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Sentence: After all it wasn't anything to get excited about, just another dogfight in a residential section.

Definition: Of or pertaining to a home; neighborhood; suburb

Sentence: It was too much for him and he took off down the street, squalling like a scalded cat.Definition: Burned with steam or a hot liquid; scorched


Sentence: A big ugly cur tried his luck.

Definition: A mixed breed dog


Sentence: I kept coaxing.

Definition: Attempt to influence by gentle persuasion; cajoling


Sentence: It's strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man’s mind for so many years. Definition: Inactive; lying asleep or still; slumbering


Sentence: As I caressed the smooth surfaces, my mind drifted back through the years, back to my boyhood days.

Definition: touch or stroke gently or lovingly


Sentence: The country was new and sparsely settled.

Definition: few, thinly settled

Corn crib

Sentence: I caught lizards on the rail fences, rats in the corn crib , and frogs in the little creek by the fields.

Definition: a bin or ventilated building for storing ears of corn.


Sentence: Our home was in a beautiful valley far back in the rugged Ozarks.

Definition: a group of low mountains in S Missouri, N Arkansas, and NE Oklahoma.


Sentence: Papa showed me how to skin my game.

Definition: animals that are hunted


Sentence: “ I never saw a boy grieve like that. ”Definition: morn, deep sorrow


Sentence: My sisters started yelling and bawling for mama.

Definition: to cry or wail


Sentence: I was lying in bed one night trying to figure out a way I could get some dogs when I heard the deep baying of a coon hound.

Definition: to bark


Sentence: I’m sure if that any coon hunter had known that he was slowly killing a 10 yr old boy, he would put a muzzle on his hound.

Definition: a device that fits over a dog’s mouth to prevent biting or barking


Sentence: “The old sore would get all festered up and start hurting again.”

Definition: (of a wound or sore) become septic; suppurate.


Sentence: It was always a pleasure to prowl where the fisherman had camped.

Definition: move stealthily


Sentence: A big swamp rabbit hopped out on the trail, sat on his haunches, stared at me, and then scampered away.

Definition: a buttock and thigh considered together, in a human or animal.


Sentence: They seemed to sense the urgency in my voice and always bought my wares.

Definition: of utmost importance, calling for immediate attention


Sentence: In a quavering voice, he said, “ Well, Son, it’s your money.”

Definition: shaking


Sentence: Time after time, it dipped in and out of the candy counter: peppermint sticks, jawbreakers, horehound, and gumdrops.

Definition: a brittle candy or lozenge flavored with horehound extract.


Sentence: I picked out a friendly looking man and asked him where the depot was.

Definition: a storehouse or warehouse; storage


Sentence: Sometime that night, I crossed the river on a riffle somewhere in the Drippings Springs country.

Definition: current; shallow part of stream, ripple


Sentence: My bare feet were getting sore from the flint, rocks and raw briers.

Definition: thorns, prickly plants; shrubbery

Gunny sack

Sentence: I stopped at the barn and picked up a unny sack.

Definition: a bag made or burlap; tote, sack


Sentence: My eyes fell again on the bolts of beautiful cloth.

Definition: large roll of material; roll, bundle of fabric


Sentence: The boys and girls were about my age, and were as thick as flies around a sorghum mill. Definition: syrup; molasses


Sentence: As nails gave way and boards splintered, I heard several puppy whimpers.

Definition: to break apart into thin, sharp pieces; split


Sentence: I hurried on , wanting to get away from the stares and snickers.

Definition: to laugh at mockingly; sneer, smirk


Sentence: I looked down and saw a drop of blood ooze out from under my broken nail.

Definition: slowly seep or trickle, liquid emitted; run, seep, drip


Sentence: It hurt like the dickens but I gritted my teeth and walked on.

Definition: to clench teeth; grind, clamp


Sentence: I felt a hand as big as an anvil clamp on my shoulder.

Definition: a heavy iron block; iron table


Sentence: On the outskirts of town, I stopped and picked up a can and my provisions.

Definition: goods (i.e. groceries, supplies); rations


Sentence: “I was well repaid by the love and adoration in my sister’s eyes”

Definition: great love or devotion; cherish


Sentence: It was a great game of bribery.

Definition: the act of giving something to someone so they will do something; convince