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76 Cards in this Set

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what is the most common body shape of a sponge?

barrel sponge

a sponge body is a collection of cells embedded in a jelly like extracellular matrix called


the cell layers are supported by skeleton made up of flexible protein fibers called ______ and/or microscopic needlelike structures called ______

spongin, spicules

adult sponges use what to stick to rocks?


what is a natural bath sponge?

the skeleton of a sponge

what is the skeleton of a sponge mostly made out of?

silica(sand), calcium carbonate, and/or spongin

since sponges don’t have major systems, what do they rely on to obtain food, oxygen, and remove wastes?

a constant water flow

the body is permeated by numerous pores called


as water filters through the sponge, bacteria, algae, bits of organic mater, and other small organisms are trapped and eaten through a process know as


a sponge body forms around a hollow center called the


water filters in through the pores, transfers through the body, then out of the opening at the top of the spongocoel called the


because sponges are asymmetrical, many have more than one of these


what kind of cell is thin, flat, epithelial-like that cover the exterior surface and some interior surfaces?


pinococytes are somewhat _____ and help regulate the surface area of the sponges


what kind of cells have flagella that beat and create a current to circulate water through their for bodies for food gathering and respiratory gas exchange?

choanocytes (collar cells)

collar cells trap and ______ food particles that are carried in the water


what kind of cells move throughout the mesohyl carrying the nutrients to all parts of the sponges

archaecocytes (amoebocytes)

amoebocytes can do what to make their components of the skeleton?

they can differentiate into other types of specialized cells

what are the types of amoebocytes?

sclerocytes: secrete defensive spicules

spongocytes: secrete the structural protein spongin

collenocytes: secrete other collagens

how many main designs for the sponge body are there?


the choanocytes lie in a large chamber called the (asconoid)


which type of sponge is the simplest?


the choanocytes lie in _____ that empty in the spongocoel (syconoid)


what body type resembles asconoid but are larger with a thicker body wall?


the choanocytes lie in the (leuconoid)

distinct chambers

which type is the most complex and most common?


leuconoid arrangement permits greater body size and

more efficient water circulation

the three main body types differ in the placement of the


classification of sponge classes is based on

spicule form and chemical composition

living sponges are traditionally assigned into how many classes?


all demospongia sponges are leuconoid and all marine except for spongillidae, the ______ sponges


internal buds or gemmules are formed by ______ that collect in mesohyl and are ______ with tough spongin and spicules

archaeocytes; coated

when the parent animal dies, the gemmules survive and remain ______ preserving the species during period of freezing or severe ______

dormant; drought

gemmules are also a mean of colonizing new habitats, since they can ______ by streams or animal carriers


most sponges are ______ with both male and female sex cells in one individual


______ fertilization happens when sperm are released into the water by one individual and taken into the canal system of another. after fertilization, the zygote is retained in and derives _______ from its parent, until the ciliated larva is released

internal; nourishment

________ fertilization is when both oocytes and sperm are expelled into the water where fertilization occurs


one the fertilized eggs have developed into _____________ larvae, they drift away and eventually attach to a _______ and develop into new sponges

free-swimming; substrate

calcareas sponges have spicules made of

calcium carbonate

calcarea sponges spicules are _____ and have ______ or _____ rays

straight; three; four

calcarea sponges are _____ sponges with tubular or vase shapes


all calcarea’s sponges are


hexactinellida sponges are glass sponges with _____-rayed spicules of silica


hexactinellida sponges often have a cylindrical or _____-shaped body in simple syconoid or leuconoid arrangement


nearly all hex. sponges are

deep-sea forms

demospongia sponges have spicules that are siliceous but ____ six-rayed; spicules may also be absent or bound together by _____

not; spongin

the demospongia class contains ___ of living sponge species


sponges can _______ and restore lost parts by _______

repair injuries; regeneration

a sponge the size of a gallon of milk could pump and clean enough water to fill a _________ in just one day

residential swimming pool

sponge filtration can enhance water _______ and may directly affect _____ and algal populations that are dependent on ______ availability

clarity; coral; light

sponges treat ______ and other diseases


sponge use chemicals to prevent other sponges from ________ near them. these chemicals can also prevent ______ cells from growing

growing; cancer

if a sponge is broken into individual cells, entire new sponges can develop from these fragments. this is called ______. cells ________ each other and put themselves back together.

somatic embryogenesis; recognize

sponges provide _____ and _____ for many animals

shelter; food

many animals such as crabs, nudibranchs, mites, and fish live as ______ or _______ in or on sponge

commensals; parasites

some crabs attach pieces of sponge to their carapace for _______ and for protection against predators


sea slugs(__________), sea _____, ________ sea turtles and sponge fly _______ as well as some reef fish, do eat shallow water sponges

nudibranchs; stars; hawksbill; larvae

sponges are not very nutritious and are made of tough ______ and sharp ________ which are not pleasant to bite

collagen; spicules

thanks to their endosymbionts, many sponges can produce chemical _______ as defense


sponges can trap ______ percent of all bacteria into the water they filter


sponges can pump _______ times their own size in water in one day


what word means only having one germ layer?


what does porifera mean?


what are the simplest multicellular animals?


what word means only having one germ layer?


what is the most well studied deep body of water? how much has been covered by these studies?

Monterey Bay; 1%

what is another term for multicellular animals?


what does porifera mean?


what are the simplest multicellular animals?


what is the term for an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm?


what is the term for the practice of living as a parasite in or on another organism?


what is the term for symbiosis that is beneficial to both organisms involved?


cytosince arabinoside(one of the 1st cancer drugs) came from the sponge Tectitethya crypta(used today in chemotherapy to treat _______)


sponges have also been used to produce what?

anti viral drugs(herpes), anti cancer drugs(lung cancer), anti-inflammatory drugs(asthma), and antibiotics(strep)

what is the nickname for giant barrel sponges?

“redwoods of the reef”

what is the name of the carnivores sponge?

harp sponge