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20 Cards in this Set

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Bony pelvis consists of

Sacrum, coccyx and innominate bones

The posterior border of the pelvic cavity is marked by the

Sacrum and coccyx bone

The innominate bones consist of

The ileum,ischium and pubic symphysis

The boundaries of the female pelvis are considered to be from the iliac crest to a group of muscles known as

The pelvic diaphragm located at the base of the pelvis

The true pelvis contains?

The urinary bladder, small bowel, sigmoid colon, rectum, ovaries, Fallopian tubes and uterus

The true and false pelvis is divided by what imaginary line

Linea terminalis

The vagina position to external os of the cervix

The vagina extends inferiorly from the external OS of the cervix

The Fallopian tubes and ovaries are considered what structures

Bilateral adnexal structures

Muscles in the pelvic diaphragm composed of

Levator ani and coccygeus muscle

What muscles support the pelvic organs

The pelvic diaphragm muscles:

Levator ani and coccygeous muscles

The weakening of the public diaphragm which includes the levator ani muscles can lead to

Prolapse of uterus

The suspensory ligament of the ovary contains

The ovarian artery, ovarian vein, lymphatics and ovarian nerves

The left ovarian vein drains into?

Drains into the left renal vein. (Not IVC)

The right ovarian vein drains into?

IVC (left ov vein drains left renal vein)

The spiral arteries are?

Tiny, coiled vessels that supply blood to the functional layer of the endometrium

What other term is used to deacribe the space of Retzius?

Retropubic space

The true pelvis is delineated from the false pelvis by the?

Linea terminalis

The vagina is located _____ to the uterus?


The muscle that may be confused with the ovaries on a pelvic sonogram include the? (2)

Piriformis and iliopsoas muscles

Which vessels supply blood to the deeper layers of the myometrium?

Radial arteries