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24 Cards in this Set

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T/F: Cardiac muscle cells are striated like skeletal muscle cells but are larger and contain multiple nuclei.

False: cardiac muscle cells are significantly smaller than skeletal muscle cells and contain multiple nuclei

Skeletal muscle is also known as ___ muscle because of its microscopic appearance.


____ are fibrous bands that attach muscle to bone.


When muscles contract, blood vessels ____.


The most prominent aponeurosis is the ____, that runs length wise between the muscles of an animal's ventral midline.

Linea alba/white line (connects the abdominal muscles)

It is a common site for surgical entry.

The neurotransmitter, ____, diffuses across the nerve fiber to the sarcolemma to trigger muscle contraction.


The binding of acetylcholine to receptors generates an electrical impulse leading to the release of ____ ions into the myofibrils.

A. Ca2+

B. Na+

C. H+

Ca2+ (the increased calcium causes shortening of the sarcomere)

___ is the movement of an extremity toward the medial plane while _____ is a movement away.

Adduction is towards, abduction is away.

Addicts go towards drugs. Abductors take people away.

Synovial joints can be classified into two types:

Hinge (ginglymus joints) and gliding joints

Skeletal muscles working as ____ produce desired movement.

A. Fixators

B. Agonist


The ____ of a muscle is the attachment site that has less movement/ more stability.

A. Extension

B. Insertion

C. Origin


The ___ of the muscle site undergoes the most movement during contraction.


Muscle contractions vary in strength and range by controlling the number/force of the muscle fibers when contraction occurs


___ (involuntary muscle) is found in the eyes, lungs, intestines, bladder, and reproductive tract.


During longer periods of inactivity, muscles shift to an ____ metabolism; resulting in a buildup of ___ acid.

Anaerobic, lactic acid

The term ___, or "prime mover", describes a muscle group that directly produces a desired movement; directly opposed to these muscles are the ____.

Agonists, antagonists

The attachment sites between cardiac muscle cells that transmit impulses between cells.

A. Myofibrils

B. Myosin

C. Intercalated discs

Intercalated discs

Nerve simulation from the ___ ___ system causes an increase in heart rate, while the ___ ___ system causes a decrease.

Sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight system) , parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest)

____ muscle functions through large, rhythmic contractions such as peristalsis in the intestines.


Muscle that is not under conscious control, such as cardiac muscle, is known as ___.


During prolonged periods of activity, muscles shift to _____ metabolism. This results in a buildup of ___ ____.

Anaerobic, lactic acid

Muscle contractions vary in strength and range by controlling the ____ of muscle fiber contractions stimulated.

A. Number

B. Strength


Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a ____.

A. Fiber

B. Myofibril

C. Tubule


Unlike tendons, ____ attach muscle to other muscle and are delicate/thin while tendon is tough/rope-like.

A. Aponuerosis

B. Epimysium

C. Fascicles
