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108 Cards in this Set

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The average temperature for the reception area in a dental office is ?

72 degrees

In which room will a treatment plan be discussed ?

Consultation room the

The American Dental Association recognizes how many different specialty areas for dentist ?


Endodontics is a specialty that involves the diagnosis and treatment of ?

The dental pulp and it’s surrounding tissues.

Responsibilities of a dental assistant include ?

Taking and developing dental radiography

The dentist’s private office is used for all except for which of the following ?

Treatment of patients

The ___ is the room where the clinical staff can perform functions such as pouring up impressions, and where patient’s models are stored ?

Dental Laboratory

Procedures a dental assistant may perform vary depending on ?

The state in which the dental assistant works.

Public Health

Preventing, controlling, and promoting dental health through organized community efforts.


Morphology, physiology, and pathology of the human dental pulp and the tissues that surround it.

Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery

Involves the functional and esthetic aspects of the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region.


Includes the interception and corrections of malocclusions.

Pediatric Dentistry

Provides oral health care for infants and children through adolescence.

Oral Radiology

Production and interpretation of images and data through use of radiation.

Oral Pathology

Deals with the nature, identification, and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial regions.


Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease of The supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth.


Treatment of the patients with missing or deficient teeth.

When a relationship has been terminated without any notification to the patient, this is known as a ?


By law, patient must __ to treatment with the dentist.


A ___ lawsuit can be brought against a dentist who may have harmed a patient.


What does HIPAA protect ?

- Privacy

- Identifiers

- Security

All Of The Above.

Who is responsible for developing privacy policies, ensures availability of these policies to the patient, creates documents to collect and retain private information, and serves as a third party contact regarding health information ?

Privacy officer

HIPAA identifiers include all of the following except ?


Under the Dental Code Of Ethics, which principle states the dentist has a duty to treat people fairly ?


Which is a government issued identification number that is unique to all dentist ?


__ refers to any reasonably anticipated skin, eye, or mucous membrane contact with blood or infectious materials that may result from the performance of duties.

Occupational exposure

___ refers to droplets that are transmitted when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales, and another person nearby inhales this air.

Airborne transmissions

Which of the following refers to the transmission of microorganism when a surface or an instrument is contaminated by infectious microorganisms and then touched by a person ?

Indirect transmission

Based on OSHA’s Occupational Exposure categories, which staff members will likely never come in contact with blood or saliva ?

Insurance Clerk

Which of the following is/are the ways to transmit disease between people ?

- Patient to patient

- Dentist to patient

- Patient to dental assistant

All Of The Above

The Hepatitis B vaccination is administered of many injections ?

Three injections over seven months.

Hepatitis C is an example of a __ transmission ?

Blood borne

Face masks should be changed ?

After each patient

Medical gloves are to be worn ?

With every patient

A person who has no teeth is said to be ?


Which of the following defines the breakdown of food, and is the first step in the process of digestion ?


The part of the tooth that is visible during dental examination is the ?

Clinical Crown

How many teeth are in the primary dentitions ?


Which teeth are known as the cornerstones to the oral cavity ?


What is the most common numbering system used in dentistry ?

Universal Numbering System

Which of the following is the surface closet towards the midline ?



Closet to the lip


Closet to the cheek


Closet to the tongue


Bitting surface of anterior teeth


Chewing surface of posterior teeth


Towards the midline


Furthest from the midline



Lateral Incisor








Which type of sentence is used for making a statement?


Which of the following is not a coordinating conjunction ?


Which type of letter would be sent to a patient of record ?


Which of the following letter formats has all lines flush with the left margin ?

Full block

The patient record is a permanent document of whom ?

The dentist

On which form would you find the patient’s insurance information?

Patient demographic form

What is the purpose of asking patients about their general dental concerns on the patient demographic form ?

To address concerns and overcome any barriers that may exist

On which form would you find that the patient is allergic to latex ?

Health and dental history form

Patient’s who have an artificial heart valve or an artificial hip or knee must take an __ prior to dental appointment ?


Prescheduling recare appointments means to ?

Schedule an appointment before the patient leaves the dental office.

Providing advance notice, allowing patients to reschedule if necessary, and adding a personal touch for the patient are all examples of which type of recare system ?

Telephone recare system

A manual appointment scheduling book displays ___ of appointments.

One day or one week

Appointment times are usually divided into intervals of 10, 15, and ___ minutes ?


Advantages of a computerized scheduling system consist of all the following except ?

Preprogramming a productive schedule

The dentist’s schedule must coordinate with the ___ schedule ?

Dental hygienist’s

A ___ refers to the recommended guidelines referring to an area in the dental practice ?


A ___ refers to a step by step procedure that must be followed.


Ensuring the identity of a patient’s chart is known as


Which of the following system files by the city in which you live in ?


According to HIPAA a ___ system is recommended for the privacy of all patients ?


It is recommended that a patient’s chart is kept for __ ?

A lifetime

Inactive patients are those patients who have not been seen in at least ?

5 years

A ___ document that shows a list of items that were purchased ?


If an item is not in stock and ready to be shipped, the item is known as ?


Statements are typically sent out within a ___ day period.


___ inventory systems require a handwritten entry to order supplies.


Manual backups of the computer systems should be completed ?


Dental insurance was primarily designed to provide coverage for costs involved with ?

Preventive dental care

Which of the following provides health and dental services for low income families ?


Which of the following provides health and dental services for low income families ?


Which type of insurance is prepared for individuals 65 years of age or older ?


Which type of insurance requires the patient to pay the dental provider and then submit a claim to the insurance company for reimbursement ?

Dental indemnity

The term UCR stands for ?

Usual Customary Reasonable

Most insurance plans require a ___ before any major dental work can be started.

Predetermination Of Benefits

X-rays would be found under which dental fee code category ?

Diagnostic D0100-D0999

___ refers to the fact that some services may be covered under the insurance plan, and other may not.



Pays premiums


Collect premium from employees

Insurance Company

Collects premiums from group administrator


Receives payments from insurance company




Individual who has coverage in his / her name


Spouse or child

Who establishes the fees for service in a dental office ?

The dental association

Processing statements and reconciling bank accounts are tasks usually performed ?


Accounting of a dental office can be done on a ___ basis or a calendar year basis.


A ___ should be completed at the end of each business day

Balanced journal sheet

A ___ is a written record of the financial transactions for each patient.

Ledger card

A ___ is a written record of the financial transactions for each patient.

Ledger card

An overdue account is any patient account that has a balance that is over __ days old ?


Patient accounts that are over ___ days old will likely be sent to a collection agency for payment ?


What is an example of a capital cost ?

Dental operatory chair

After six months have passed, a check is known as ?

Stale dated check

Reconciling a bank account means to. ?

Make the statement, checkbook, and monthly ledger sheet agree.

The bank statement must be reviewed ?
