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52 Cards in this Set

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Nicely - poor Miss Sarah! I wonder why refined doll like her is mixed up in the mission dodge.

Benny - She is a beautiful doll all right with one hundred percent eyes.

Nicely - It is too bad that such a doll wastes all her time being good. How can she make any money from that?

Benny - Maybe she owns a piece of the mission.

Harry - Hey! Benny Southstreet!

Benny - Harry the Horse! How are you! You know Nicely-Nicely Johnson.

Harry - Tell me, what about Nathan Detroit? Is he got a place for his crap game?

Benny - We don’t know yet.

Nicely - The heat is on.

Benny - He’s still looking for a place.

Harry - well, tell him I’m loaded and looking for action. I just acquired five thousand potatoes.

Benny - Five thousand bucks!

Harry - I collected the reward on my father.

Benny - Everybody is looking for action. I wish Nathan finds a—

Nicely - Why, lieutenant Brannigan! Mr. Southstreet, it is lieutenant Brannigan of the New York Police Department.

Benny - A pleasure.

Brannigan - Any of you guys seen Nathan Detroit?

Benny - Which Nathan Detroit is that?

Nathan - Well, the heat is on, as you must know from the fact that you now have to live on your salary.

Benny - Did you find a place?

Nathan - What does that cop want from me? What am I a sex maniac? I merely run a crap game for the convenience of those who want a little action, in return for which I take a small cut. Is that a crime! Yeah!

Benny - Nathan! Did you find a place?

Nathan - Did I find a place! Did I find – yes, I found a place! We are holding the crap game tomorrow night in the Radio City Music Hall.

Benny - How you gonna fix the ushers?

Nathan - I was over to the Biltmore garage. Spoke to Joey Biltmore himself. He says he might take a chance and let me use the place, if I give him a thousand bucks.

Benny - A thousand bucks!

Nathan - In cash. He won’t take my marker.

Benny - Your marker’s no good, huh?

Nathan - My marker is as good as gold, only Joey Biltmore don’t think so – it don’t seem possible. Me without a livelihood. Why, I have been running the crap game ever since I was a juvenile delinquent.

Benny - Nathan, can’t you do something?

Nathan - What can I do? I’m broke. I couldn’t even buy Adelaide a present today, and you know what day today is? It is mine and Adelaide’s fourteenth anniversary.

Benny - Yeah?

Nathan - Yeah. We been engaged for fourteen years.

Benny - Nathan, concentrate on the game. The town’s up to here with high players. The Greek’s in town!

Nicely - Brandy Bottle Bates!

Benny - Scranton Slim!

Nathan - Sky Masterson! There is the highest player of them all!

Benny - Higher than the Greek?

Nathan - He likes crazy bets, like which lump of sugar will a fly sit on, or how far you can kick a piece of cheesecake – Cheesecake! Ooh! Look – run into Mindy‘s restaurant and ask Mindy how many pieces of cheesecake he sold yesterday and also how many pieces of strudel.

Benny - How much cheesecake, how much strudel— What do you want to know for?

Nathan - The crap game! What an absurd thought!

Benny - Psst! Twelve hundred cheesecake and fifteen hundred strudel.

Nathan - No bet. Blue. What a crazy color.

Benny - Nathan, we took Adelaide to the drugstore—

Sky - Good. How’s it with you fellows?

Benny - Not bad.


End Scene 4 to Scene 5

Benny - Hey! Nicely! What are you looking at?

Nicely - Sky was just following Miss Sarah, and you should’ve seen her. She gave him a look that would have cooled off a moose at meeting time.

Benny - Great! Just so he don’t take her to Havana.

Nicely - Havana! He couldn’t take this doll to New Rochelle – Where’s Nathan? He ought to start lining up the game.

Benny - I don’t know – I suppose trying to see Adelaide. She’s mad at him again.

Nicely - That Miss Adelaide. She is always taking his mind off honest work.

Benny - Yes, it’s too bad that a smart businessman like Nathan has to go and fall in love with his own fiancé.

Sky - Hallelujah!

End of Scene 6 to 7

Benny - You all got your carnations? Remember, no one will be let in to the game without they got red carnations. It’s like a pass word.

Harry - Okay but where’s the game?

Benny - I’ll tell you in a minute. Nathan, is it all set? Can I tell the guys that it’s at the Biltmore garage?

Nathan - Not yet. I got to stall ‘em for a while. Joey wants his dough first.

Benny - But it’s eleven o’clock – they won’t stick around much longer.

Brannigan - What’s the occasion?

Nathan - Well, we—er—

Benny - It’s a party.

Adelaide - Goodbye, girls, see you tomorrow.

Benny - It’s a bachelor dinner. Nathan’s getting married.

Harry - That is correct, Lieutenant! It’s a bachelor dinner. Nathan‘s getting married.

Benny - Yes, sir! FOR- HE’S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW (cont.)

Nathan - Oh, it’s a bachelor dinner.

Benny - It’s a bachelor dinner.

Brannigan - You can drive down to Maryland – what’s the name of that town?

Benny - Pimlico.

Nathan - Fourteen years.

Big Julie - Let’s shoot crap.

Benny - Nathan, you’d better find a place!

Nathan - How can I? The money from Sky ain’t come yet.

Benny - Maybe it won’t come! Maybe he took the doll to Havana.

Big Jule - Give me the dice. I’m shooting five hundred.

Benny - Take two hundred.

Big Jule - Shut up! Another five.

Benny - Take two hundred more.

Nathan - And it’s — snake eyes again.

Benny - Tough luck, Big Jule.

Nathan - Big Jule, you cannot interpolate Chicago dice in a New York crap game.

Benny - That is a breach of etiquette.

Harry - And you want Big Jule to put up cash?

Benny - Nathan done it.

Nathan - Sure I done it. What kind of deal is this, anyway?

Benny - Take it easy Nathan.

Harry - Okay by me

Benny - By me too.

Nathan - How do you spell “soul”?

Benny - S—O—L

Adelaide - let’s elope right now.

Nathan - Okay Adelaide

Benny - PSST.

Adelaide - Why not?

Benny - Come on, Nathan — we’ll be late.

Arvide - I would like to welcome you gentlemen, to the Save-A-Soul Mission.


Nathan - Benny! Give testimony.

Benny - I ain’t no stool pigeon.

Nathan - Benny! Tell ‘em what a bum you are! … Benny!

Benny - I always was a bad guy, and a gambler, but I ain’t going to do it no more. I thank you.

General - There! Don’t you feel better now?

Benny - I’m alright.