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44 Cards in this Set

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Where did the industrial revolution begin?


How would a sociologist define family?

An interdependent social group bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties

How did the industrial revolution change the common meaning of family?

It shifted the meaning from extended family to nuclear family

The economy is not only about money, but also about:

The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

According to C. Wright mills, who rules America?

The power elite

What do all religions have in common?

A system of beliefs and rituals that establish a relationship between the sacred and the profane

What is it called when a government bars an individual, temporarily or permanently, from voting?


What did C. Weight Mills mean by the term “power elite”?

A small group of people who occupy key positions in political, economic, and military institutions

In 2008 Obama family’s search for a church to attend

Being a Christian is an unofficial requirement for the presidency

Which of the following would be included on a list of the functions of religion?

All the above

Manuel Noriega was never elected president of panama


How do most sociologists differentiate between sex and gender?

Sex is biological; gender is social

How do sociologists define a minority group?

A group whose members suffer from unequal treatment

Systems and structures that persist over time and help organize group life are called:

Social institutions

In addition to who we are, gender identity is also about

How we act

Sociologists who examine the ways gender is constructed and maintained in our everyday lives tend to come from which school of social theory?

Symbolic interactionalism

How do sociologists define ethnicity?

A group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

How do sociologists define race?

A social category based on real or perceived biological differences

Apartheid is a specific example of what system of social stratification?


What has modern science determined about racial categories?

Biologically there is no such thing as a pure race

Most sociological literature on deviance focuses on:


Most sociological literature on deviance focuses on:


What sort of social mobility is possible in a caste system?

There is little to no chance of social mobility

What do sociologists claims is the most significant part of culture?


Who is the father of sociology?

Auguste Compte

Best definition of deviance?

Violations of social norms

What is the definition of “culture”?

All the above

What institutions does Max Weber believe characterize modern industrialized societies?


What is the scientific method or approach?

The standard procedure for acquiring and verifying empirical knowledge

When do sociologists most often use statistical tools to analyze their data?

When they use surveys

What historical events convinced Auguste Compte that society needed to be guided

French Revolution

How does Karl Marx differentiate Between proletariat and bourgeois

Members of proletariat own means of production, bourgeois possesses own labor

Who coined “survival of the fittest”?

Herbert spencer

According to Karl Marx, what is the engine of social change?

Conflict between social groups

What social theorist is associated with communism?

Karl Marx

Emile Durkheim argued that even an action as seemingly individual as suicide has important social components.

Religious affiliation and marital status

It is expected that youll forget most of what u learn in sociology. What’s the most important?

A new way of looking at and thinking about the social world

Which best characterizes microsociology?

An approach that examines interactions between individuals and the ways those actions reflect larger patterns within a society

What is the sociological imagination?

The ability to understand the connections between biography and history

Best describes macrosociology?

Directly examines large scale social structures in order to see how that affect individual lives

According to C. Wright Mills, what one quality of mind do all great sociologists poses?

Sociological imagination

Sociologists observe society:

By studying the various parts of a society and the ways they interact and influence each other

Sociology can be approached by macro or micro - which is better?

Both are useful in different ways, because they each provide different types of info about the same object of study

Why are we all “natural sociologists”?

We are all members of society and therefore have a great deal of background knowledge about how society works