Halloween In The Anthropocene By Craig Santos Perez: Poem Analysis

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In the poem, “Halloween in the Anthropocene, 2015” by Craig Santos Perez, theme is developed through uses of cynical imagery, critical personification, and gloomy symbols. The main idea is that we have all caused problems on the Earth, as Craig indirectly states, all from our own greed. Many examples were provided that help support this idea. Although Halloween is generally a pretty- well it’s supposed to be scary, but while most kids find the fun in it, other children all around the world are suffering for our own enjoyment.

One of the first elements incorporated were cynical imagery. As declared in the lines, “Black boys, enslaved by supply chains, who carry bags of cacao under West African Heat.” By engaging the sense of temperature, Perez employs how sweltering the heat is, producing an image in many minds, by using such words as “West African Heat,” which by depicting, people can feel the sweat, and the heat from this task. Stating back, while us Americans enjoy snacking on some Halloween chocolate, in other parts of the world, children are viciously laboring for that chocolate. Secondly, another example is of “ As fire unthreads sweatshops into smoke and ash.” After reading this section, the smell of the ashes, sight of the burning engages more senses. While some children enjoy dressing up in costumes, many other
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Many humans find fault, and do not agree with how other countries make children work, to produce for other privileged families. An example that Perez uses are referred in the lines- “ Asian children who manufacture toys and tech until gravity sharpens their bodies enough to cut through suicide nets.”- by implying how the Asian children are needing to work so much until their bodies basically break down. This is a personification, because gravity cannot actually physically sharpen bodies, but the idea is there, trying to support their families all again, for children in America to play with

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