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53 Cards in this Set

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What are skeletal muscle cells made up of?

Muscle fiber

What three types of muscle exist in the body?

Skeletal cardiac and smooth

What is the loose connective tissue outside the muscle organs that forms a flexible, sticky, "packing material" between muscles, bones, and the skin?


What is the more stationary bone that a muscle is attached to called?

The origin

What is a muscle's attachment to the more movable bone called?

The insertion

What tube-shaped structure is lined with synovial membranes and moistened with synovial fluid line some tendons and help facilitate body movement?

Tendon sheaths

What is the internal framework of a muscle fiber made up of?

Thick and thin myofilaments

What protein are thick myofilaments formed from?


What protein are thin myofilaments composed of?


What is the basic functional or contractile unit of skeletal muscle?

The sarcomere

What are sarcomeres separated from each other by?

Z lines or z disks

What model provides how a skeletal muscle contracts?

The sliding filament model

What is the red oxygen- storing pigment stored in muscle fibers?


What are the functions of skeletal muscle?

Movement, posture, heat production

Describe a muscle contraction according to the sliding filament model

the thick and thin myofilaments in a muscle fiber first attached to one another by forming cross Bridges but then act as levers to ratchet or pull the myofilaments past each other

What chemical must be present in order for the connecting bridges between the myofilaments to form?


What does calcium do when a muscle contracts?

It binds to the blocking proteins in thin filaments and allows actin to react with myosin (connect and pull towards the center of the sarcomere)

Why do many muscles have high oxygen requirements?

Because oxygen is required to transfer energy to ATP, which is required for the myosin heads to work

What is tension during muscle lengthening often called?

Eccentric contraction

What is the muscle that is mainly responsible for producing a particular movement called?

The prime mover

What are other muscles that help in producing the movement called?

Synergist muscles

What muscles relax when prime movers and synergist muscles at a joint contract?

Antagonist muscles

How are we able to maintain our body position?

Through a continuous, low- strength muscle contraction called muscle tone or tonic contraction

What term describes the continued increased metabolism that must occur in a cell to remove excess lactic acid that accumulates during prolonged exercise?

Oxygen debt

What is the technical name for oxygen debt used by exercise physiologists?

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

What condition results when a person has a nervous system disorder that shuts off impulses to certain skeletal muscles?


What nerve fibers are muscle fibers stimulated by?

Motor neurons

What is the point of contact between the nerve ending in the muscle fiber called?

A neuromuscular junction


What is the minimum level of stimulation required to cause a fiber to contract called?

The threshold stimulus

What are four other types of skeletal muscle contractions other than tonic contractions?

Twitch contractions, tetanic contractions, isotonic contractions, and isometric contractions

Study this

Yay ♂♂♂♂♂

What are the two types of isotonic contractions?

Concentric contraction and eccentric contraction

What is the difference between a concentric contraction and an eccentric contraction?

The muscle shortens during a concentric contraction and it lengthens during an eccentric contraction

What kind of contraction occurs when the muscle contracts and no movement results?

An isometric contraction

What is dorsiflexion?

An ankle movement in which the dorsum, or top, of the foot is elevated with the toes pointing upward

Frontal muscle: origin, insertion, and function

Occipital bone, skin of eyebrow, raises eyebrow

When you are affronted, you might raise what part of your face?

What muscle closes the eye, and what is its origin and insertion?

Orbicularis oculi. It's origin and insertion are the maxilla and frontal bone

Orbicularis Oris: function, origin, and insertion

Draws lips together. Origin and insertion: encircles the lips

" The kissing muscle"

Which muscle elevates the corners of the mouth and lips, and what is its origin and insertion?

Zygomaticus. Zygomatic, angle of mouth and upper lip

This part of your face scrunches up when you use this muscle. Be careful not to use this after someone cusses!

Which muscle closes the jaw and what is its origin and insertion?

Masseter. Zygomatic arch, mandible

You will use this a lot if you are a massive eater!

Sternocleidomastoid function,origin, and insertion

Rotates and flexes head and neck. Sternum and clavicle, mastoid process

Which muscle extends the head and neck and moves or stabilizes the scapula, and what is its origin and insertion?

Trapezius. Skull and upper vertebrae, scapula

A trapeze artist needs to extend their head to see below them and stabilize their scapula so that they are balanced

Which muscle extends and helps a duck to the arm and what is its origin and insertion?

Latissimus dorsi. Vertebrae and ilium, humorous

Which muscle abducts the arm and what is its origin and insertion?

Deltoid. Classical and scapula, humerus

Biceps brachii function, origin, and insertion

Flexes elbow. Scapula, radius

Triceps brachii function, origin, and insertion

Extends elbow. Scapula and humerus, ulna

What is the another word for muscle pain?


What is a word for any muscle inflammation?


What is the term for when tendon inflammation occurs with myositis?


What are the muscles of the trunk?

External oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, diaphragm

Even octopuses (Indian octopuses) try anything (really anything) @ dinner

Which muscles move the lower extremities?

Illiopolis, sartorius, gluteus maximus

I'll save Gemma's mother!

Which muscles are in the adductor group?

Adductor longus, gracilis, pectineus

Adam Long graces people

Which muscles are in the hamstring group?

Semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris

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