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77 Cards in this Set

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Of all the water on earth, ____% is salt water and _____% is fresh.



Outline the water cycle

1radiation from the sun EVAPORATES water

2 water rises and contacts cooler air resulting in Water Vapour rising and forming Clouds

3 moisture in clouds condenses and and falls back to earth as rain or snow

Water quality features can be placed in 3 categories.

What are they?




The 5 most common physical characteristics of water include:

Temperature, taste, Color, odour and turbity

Define Turbidity

Suspended biological, inorganic and organic particles in water that may be in sufficient amount to make the water appear cloudy

Pure water should be (3)

Tasteless, colourless, odourless

A biological characteristic of water refers to living organisms that can be found in water.

These include:

Bacteria, viruses,Algae, insects, worms, plants, fish

Most important among the biological characteristics and viruses are the ones than can cause

Disease in humans

Chemical characteristics can occur naturally or by man. The most common natural chemical compounds include :

Calcium and magnesium ( hardness)

Iron ( ferrous and ferric) and Manganese

Sulphur sodium and gases

Calcium and magnesium cause ______in water


What are ferrous and ferric Irons

Ferrous Irons are found dissolved in groundwater and are in the solution.

Ferric irons are solids caused by oxidization

Organic pollutants generally introduced to water system from run off. They include

Decay in plant life, dead animals, human and animal waste

Inorganic pollutants are minerals, salts, chemicals dissolved in water, fertilizer runoff from fields, mining runoffs, oil and fuel spills , sand and salt from roads , oilfield runoff and industrial waste.

Metals like _____,______,______ and _________ are examples of inorganic pollutants.





2.5% of the worlds water is fresh. If all the fresh water, how much is underground?


Unconfined Aquifers are open to receive water from the surface.the water table can fluctuate up and down depending on _______?

Precipitation in the area

Confined aquifers are generally deeper than unconfined. They are generally covered by a layer of rock or clay that restricts movement in or out of the aquifer. The water is usually______

Under pressure

Confined aquifers are generally deeper than unconfined. They are generally covered by a layer of rock or clay that restricts movement in or out of the aquifer. The water is usually______

Under pressure

When a borehole is drilled into a confined aquifer the water will rise into the borehole. If and when it rises above ground level it is called a_________

Flowing artesian well.

Impurities of water in a deep well

Lots of minerals

Possibly bacteria, gases, sand or dirt and pollutants

Impurities of water in a shallow well

Less minerals than in a deep well

Less gases than a deep well

Higher likelihood of bacteria and pollutants than a deep well

Possibly sand or dirt

Impurities of water in rivers or streams

Some minerals

Definitely bacteria, sand or dirt and likelihood of pollutants

Probably no gases

Impurities of water in Springs

Probably minerals

Possibly bacterias, gases, sand or dirt and some pollutants

Impurities of water in Reservoirs and dugouts

Some minerals

Definitely bacterias, sand or dirt, likelihood of pollution

Probably no gases

Probably no gases

Analysis of water is critical before use of any supply. How often should testing be done for changes in a water supply?


Water must be tested initially for bacteriological and chemical contents by whom?

Am approved government lab

On site testing by water treatment companies can be done only for what?

Chemicals. And they are limited to Hardness, iron, PH, TDS and Chlorine

Lab testing samples must be done in approved containers from local health unit. Standard procedure is as follows:

Let water run for 5 mins

Fill container according to instructions supplied

Fill out proper paperwork

Deliver sample to lab within 24 hours

Basic on site test kits supplied by suppliers contain what?


Buffering compounds

Colour comparison components

A soap test can be performed to determine whether water is hard or soft

Describe the process

Put 5-20 ml of water in a 50-100ml container

Add 2-3 drops of dish soap and shake

If the container becomes full of suds it is soft.

If the water becomes cloudy and soap curds it is hard.

Three most common units of measurement of impurities of water are:

Parts per million (ppm)

Milligrams per litre ( mg/1)

Grains per gallon (gpg)

Conversion of gpg to ppm

1gpg=17.1 ppm or mg/1

Ppm/17.1=gpg US

Conversion of gpg to mg/l

1gpg = 14.3 ppm or mg/l

Ppm /14.3 = gpg

List the 11 impurities in water


Iron PH

Taste and door


TDS - total dissolved solids



Hydrogen Sulphide



Hardness is the most common impurity in water. It is defined as__________

Calcium and magnesium dissolved in water

Water with over _______ppm of of calcium and/or magnesium dissolved in water is consider unusable but can be treated to be usable.

500 ppm

Problems caused by hardness ( 6 problems)

Waste of soap and detergent

Soap scum rings in tub

Spots and streaks on glassware and dishes

Scale deposits in appliances and plumbing fixtures

Clogging of hot water pipes

Sediment in hot water tank ( hardness settles out of water at high temperatures

3 types of hardness

Temporary hardness

Permanent hardness

Total hardness

Define temporary hardness

From bio carbonates of calcium and magnesium

These bicarbonates react with hot water and settle out of solution at 140F. The hotter the water the faster it settles out

Define permanent hardness

From carbonates of calcium and magnesium. Will NOT settle out until reaches temperatures of 299F.

Why is permanent hardness a problem in steam systems?

When water is evaporated, permanent hardness will settle out in the boiler because it will not vaporize

Define total hardness

The total amount of tempura and permanent hardness combined

Define total hardness

The total amount of tempura and permanent hardness combined

Hardness of any type can be removed by what?

An Ion exchange water softener

Deep well water is usually clear and colourless due to filtration taking place through the layers of rock and sand, but usually has far more minerals from dissolving them on the way down the aquifer, including calcium and magnesium. So _____________ are far more prevalent in deep wells.

Hardness,iron and other minerals

Shallow wells and surface water have less minerals . The shorter distance it travels down the aquifer the less time and exposure to minerals is has to dissolve them. Shallow wells are more likely to contain ________,_____, and ______ from the surface because less time for filtration. Shallow wells are usually considerably _______than surface water.

Chemicals, minerals and pollution


Water hardness classifications in ppm or mg/l

Soft 0-50 ppm or mg/l

Hard 150-200 ppm or mg/l

Very hard over 200 ppm or mg/l

Water hardness classifications in gpg US

Soft 0-3 gpg US

Hard 9-12 gpg US

Very Hard over 12 gpg US

Water hardness classifications in gpg Imperial

Soft 0-3.5 gpg Imp

Hard 10.5-15 gpg Imp

Very hard over 14 gpg imp

Edmonton city water hardness is at about ________

150ppm ( Hard)

Environment Canada says water with Iron more than _____ppm starts to cause problems


Problems caused by Iron

Reddish stains on plumbing fixtures

Reddish stain on clothing

Metallic taste

Clogged piping

Sediment in Hot Water Tank

Ferrous Iron sometimes called

Clear water iron

Ferric Iron sometimes called

Red water iron

Ferrous iron can be removed with?

An Ion exchange water softener

Ferric iron can be removed with

Ion exchange water softener or by filtration through an Iron filter .

________ iron is a less common iron that is really difficult to remove


Ferric Iron is most likely to be found in ______ wells due to the lack of oxygen

Deep wells

PH stands for what?

Potential of hydrogen

PH stands for what?

Potential of hydrogen

A PH of ____ to _____ is acceptable for potable water

6.5 to 8.5

Each number on the ph scale is ___X more or less acidic than the previous or next number


To correct water that is too acidic we use what?

A neutralizing filter

The most practical method of removing taste and door in water is ?

An activated carbon filter

Organic matter should be handled with ________ followed by an active carbon filter.


Turbid can be measured by the amount of light that can pass through it and can usually be removed with a _______

Sand filter

Turbid can be measured by the amount of light that can pass through it and can usually be removed with a _______

Sand filter

Municipal water suppliers add Alum to the water. What is Alum?

A coagulant that turns the small particles that are causing the turbidity into larger particles called Floc. The Floc will sink to the bottom and can be scraped to the middle and then drained.

TDS- Total dissolved solids is what?

A measure of the total amount of all the minerals ( calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese) found in water

Environment Canada stipulates TDS should not be over ____ppm


High TDS can be reversed by ?

Reverse osmosis and distillation

Environment Canada stipulates that sodium in water be limited to _____mg/l.


Removal of sodium in water can only be done with ?

Reverse osmosis and distillation

Ayer with more than _____ppm of Hydrogen Sulphide is considered objectionable


Biological impurities include forms of lower plant life and lower animal life. What are examples of each ?

( plant)Algae, fungi, moulds virus and bacteria

(Animal) microscopic worms and and Protozoa

What is the most effective method of removing biological impurities?


Also, ultraviolet radiation and boiling

Reverse osmosis and distillation

What is the most effective method of removing biological impurities?


Also, ultraviolet radiation and boiling

Reverse osmosis and distillation

Tannins can enter water from decaying vegetation giving the water a ______hue.
