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98 Cards in this Set

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To reduce in amount, degree, or severity
As the hurricane's force ABATED, the winds dropped and the sea became calm.
To leave secretly
Brad and Alex ABSCONDED from the house party, while also taking bottles of liquor when the cops came.
To choose not to do something
I ABSTAINED from having sex with Jade to avoid a baby.
An extremely deep hole
Andrew, in Garden State, yelled at the infinite abyss.
To make impure
Often girls adulterate their vodka shots with chasers because they can't take the taste of it.
To speak in favor of
My dad always advocates U2's talent.
Concerning the Appreciation of Beauty
It is important to notice nature's aesthetics once in a while.
To increase in power, influence, and reputation
Often great scientists' work goes unappreciated, until over time their work aggrandizes to make them stars.
To make more bearable
I often get drunk to ALLEVIATE the pressures of the party night.
To combine, to mix together
I hope one day my close friends get AMALGAMATED with my girlfriend on friday nights.
Unclear, uncertain
It is very ambiguous as to what college I am going to go to for graduate school.
To make better, to improve
I do a lot of push-ups in order to ameliorate the look of my chest.
Something out of place in a sequence of time
Some people laugh when i say I " dig something" because it is so anachronistic.
Similar to, equivalent to
Cognitive psychologists often said the computer was ANALOGOUS to the brain in terms of how it processed information.
Not Normal
James' social skills is an ANOMALY to girls because he is so forward.
To annoy or provoke to anger
Alaska would intentionally ANTAGONIZE me on the boat because he thought it win approval from the other guys.
Extreme Dislike
After Marie said she was going out with that douche, great ANTIPATHY was created for her, but eventually dissipated as time progressed.
Lack of interest or emotion, indifference
It was hard to get motivated to finish my Research Methods paper because of my growing APATHY for metacognition.
To judge a dispute between to parties
Alaska attempted to arbitrate between rachel, brad, and I.
Ancient, old-fashioned
I hope to see a lot of archaic looking architecture in Boston.
Intense and Passionate feeling
I can only hope my wife has an ardor for me, life, and music.
Ability to speak clearly
As a researcher and a professor, it is essential that I become articulate in my thoughts and logic.
To make something unpleasant, less severe
Before you go to sleep after a night of drinking, it is a good idea to drink a lot of water to assuage the severity of the hangover.
To reduce in degree, to weaken, abate
My love attenuated for Becka as I realized we didn't have sexual chemistry.
Fearless and Daring
Even though the singer sucked, it is audacity of the singer that I respected for going up on stage.
Severe of stern in appearance, undecorated
It was weird that I lived in a such an austere dorm room, when posters and pictures are very important to me.
Boring, predictable
Often people think going to a movie on a friday night is banal, but i think it is fun.
To support; to prop up
Having a strong teacher recommendation bolsters your application to schools.
Pompous in speech and manner
The bombastic bro was trying to show off for a girl by talking about drunk he got friday night.
Harsh, jarring noise
The cacophony coming from the beginner guitarist was too much for the teacher to handle.
Impartial and Honest in speech
It is said that as you get more drunk, your speech becomes more and more candid.
Changing one's mind quickly and often
Rachel is very capricious in her feelings for me it seemed like.
To punish or criticize harshly
After I got back from the hospital, i castigated brad and alaska about how they didn't go with me to help kdog.
Something that brings about a change in something else
Often women think that having a baby will act as a catalyst for their distant husbands to change.
Biting in wit, sarcastic
Jill sometimes will randomly fire off caustic remarks which catch me by an unpleasant surprise.
Great disorder
After the aliens starting attacking the new york buildings, there was complete chaos on the streets.
someone prejudiced in favor of a group to which they belong
The greek chauvinists often proclaim that greek life is the only way to go.
Deception by means of craft or guile
Guitar salesmen use chicanery to sucker people to buy peaveys.
To overlook, pardon, or disregard
Often teachers condone inappropriate behavior of football teachers because they have a lot of popularity for being successful.
Convincing and well reasoned
Your statement of purpose to grad schools need be cogent in that they should convince the profs that you are dedicated.
Intricate and complicated
The brain is a convoluted and complex network of brain cells.
To provide supporting evidence
For a cognitive abstract construct to be seen as credible, it needs corroborating evidence from a neuroscientific or biological perspective.
Too-trusting, gullible
When little kids hear an obviously impossible story and believe it, they are credulous.
Steadily increasing volume or force
The best part of a song is after a slow part in the song, the whole band started a crescendo that reached a final climax.
Appropriateness of behavior or conduct
As a young kid, establishing appropriate decorum was very easy for me for some reason.
Respect, courtesy
It seems as if couples in the 21st century have lost the classic deference that previous social norms established.
To speak of or treat with contempt; to mock
One of the sure signs of a broken marriage is when one of the members derides the other one with insults and comments.
To dry out thoroughly
I never use a face towel until it is completely desiccated.
Jumping from one thing to another, disconnected
Bob Dylan had a very desultory lifestyle in which he would travel town to town constantly.
An abusive, condemnatory speech
After I came back from ruining the truck, the parents gave an unexpected diatribe.
Lacking self-confidence
Jacque is very beautiful and smart, but for some reason her diffidence ruled her life.
TO make larger, to expand
As the balloon was filled up, it became dilated.
Intended to Delay
As a waiter, if the cook was taking too long, I had to think of some dilatory actions for the customers.
Someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic
Alaska was a big dilettante when he gave up playing the guitar after two days.
A funeral hymn or mournful speech
Both Sam and Andrew gave dirges in Garden State after the hamster dies.
To set right, free from error
Hopefully, one day I can disabuse the conflicts brad and I have by being honest with him.
To perceive, recognize
I can easily discern stevie ray vaughan from eric clapton anyday.
Fundamentally different, entirely unlike
It probable that the biological make up of aliens will be disparate from humans.
To present a false appearance, to disguise one's real intentions or character
Often what annoyed me the most was that jacque often dissembled to not only family friends but to me.
A harsh and disagreeable combination, often sounds
It was the dissonance between the vocal harmonies in which made the audience clench.
A firmly held belief
The world held the dogma that world was flat even after empirical evidence from the greeks centuries ago.
Holding a belief, even after competing evidence
Religuous beings are the most dogmatic people on the planet being that as science has constantly disproved things.
To deceive
A car salesmen are often seen as douchebags because the dupe not knowledgeable car buyers into bad deals.
Selecting from or made up from a variety of sources
Jimi Hendrix had an eclectic style because it blended blues, jazz, rock, acid rock, and r&b.
Antidepressant drugs lack the total efficacy that they are perceived as having.
A sorrowful poem or speech
After the man was dropped into the ground within his casket, the priest gave a very moving elegy.
Persuasive and moving
The violinist gave an eloquent performance which really moved the audience and the performance.
To copy, to try to equal
It is my goal to emulate Charles Darwin and Newton in the quest to find answers and underlying principles.
To reduce in strength
While knockdowns and pushes after the throw don't make any game changes directly, the physicality enervates the quarterback over time.
To produce, cause, or bring about
I am quiet unsure as to what actually engendered my love of the brain, but it certainly developed while on the boat.
A puzzle, mystery
Girls will forever by an enigma to the male psyche.
To count, list, or itemize
Marie loved to enumerate her many daily activities to a detail.
Lasting a short time
It seemed as if the autumn season was ephemeral this year.
To be deliberately ambiguous to mislead or deceive
Teenagers equivocate when telling about their night to their parents when they do something bad.
Wandering and Unpredictable
Allison was very erratic when she came home drunk so I had to be on my toes.
Learned, scholarly, bookish
It is expected that after I get my phD i will be an erudite individual.
Known or understood by only a few
While talking to Allison, it became very clear that I am a very esoteric person to other people.
It was very estimable of my dad to give up drinking when he had jacque.
Speech in praise of someone
When I receive my nobel piece prize I hope someone gives a grand eulogy of me.
Use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one.
Usually people use euphemisms of their children when talking about them to peers.
To make worse
Drugs really just exacerbate a person's troubles, not solve them.
To clear from blame, prove innocent
DNA technology exculpated thousands of prisoners after being wrongfully accused.
Urgent, requiring immediate action
After someone has a stroke, it is exigent that you get them to the hospital to help the odds of recovery.
To clear of blame
Harrison Ford in the fugitive wanted nothing more than to exonerate himself.
Clearly stated or shown
It is important to be explicit in your rules for kids because if it is open to interpretation they will abuse them.
Acting excessively enthusiastic
Fanatical antiabortion people yell, kill, and cause unneeded conflicts because of their views.
To flatter someone
The student fawned to the professor in the hopes to get a good grade.
Intensely emotional
The cowboys fans were fervid in the stadium after they won the superbowl.
Excessively decorated or embellished
Often in classical music, the style was very florid by way of excessive speeds and trills.
To arouse or incite
Dr. King's speech fomented dreams and possibilities within Americans all over the country.
Tendency to be thrifty or cheap
The frugal nature of George Castanza made him relatable to my dad in some ways.
Tendency to talk a lot
I have always managed to date garrulous girls who love to talk a lot.
outgoing, sociable
Dylan is one of the most gregarious people i have ever met.
Deceit or trickery
Brad probably has negative feelings for me because of the guile that was uncovered.
Easily deceived
There is a thin line between having faith in people's honesty and being gullible.
Of similar kind
The homogeneity of the colorado state undergrad ethnicity is unfortunate.
One who opposes established beliefs, customs, institutions
To be an iconoclast is not only audacious, but dangerous.
Not capable of being disturbed
To be a scientist and have the belief that your theory is imperturbable is what corrodes the very fabric of science.