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114 Cards in this Set

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drizzle DRIZZLE ['drizl]
DRIZZLE v./ n.下毛毛雨; 毛毛雨(英) v./ n.下毛毛雨(to rain or let fall in fine, mistlike drops);毛毛雨(a fine, mis tlike rain)(考) 反义词:deluge(暴雨 )(例) The weak lawn sprinkler just drizzled on the grass.
drizzly DRIZZLY ['drizli]
DRIZZLY adj. 毛毛细雨的(记) 虽然以ly结尾,但不 是副词而是形容词(例) a drizzly day
droll DROLL [dr2ul]
DROLL adj. 古怪的,好笑的(英) adj. 古怪的,好笑的(amus ing in an odd or wry way; funny)(考) droll : laugh / grisly : flinch(滑稽的令人发笑/恐 怖的令人畏缩)反义词:grave(严肃 的)(例) a droll story /a droll person
drollery DROLLERY ['dr2ul2ri]
DROLLERY n. 滑稽(英) n. 滑稽(quaint or wry humor)
drone DRONE [dr2un]
DRONE v. 嗡嗡地响; n.单调的低音(英) v. 嗡嗡地响(make monotonous humming or buzzing sound);n.单调的低音(a bass voice)(考) mutter : indistinct / hiss : sibilant /drone : monotonous(嘟囔的特点是不清晰 /咝咝声的特点是咝咝 /嗡嗡声的特点是单调)反义词:speak animatedly(生动地说 )(例) The airplane engine droned.
droop DROOP [dru:p]
DROOP v.低垂;沮丧(英) v.低垂(bend or hang downward);沮丧( become weakened)
droplet DROPLET ['dr0plit]
DROPLET n. 小滴(英) n. 小滴(small drop)(考) deluge : droplet / landslide : pebble(暴雨对小水滴/山崩 对小卵石)(例) tiny water droplets
dross DROSS [dr0s]
DROSS n. 浮渣; 糟粕(英) n. 浮渣(a scum);糟粕(waste matter)(考) dross : metal / chaff : grain(金属的浮渣/谷物的 糠秕)purification: dross / desalinization : salt(提纯去除杂质/脱盐 去除盐)(例) discard the dross and select the essential(去粗取精)
drought DROUGHT [draut]
DROUGHT n. 干旱时期(英) n. 干旱时期(period of continuous dry weather)(例) areas of Africa affected by drought
drove DROVE [dr2uv]
DROVE n. 畜群; 人群(英) n.畜群(flock; herd);人群(a moving crowd of people)(记) 和drive的过去式drov e一样拼写
drowsiness DROWSINESS ['drauzinis]
DROWSINESS n. 昏昏欲睡(英) n. 昏昏欲睡(state of being half asleep)(考) sedative : drowsiness / anesthetic : numbness(镇静剂可以使人欲睡 /麻醉剂可以使人麻木)
drudge DRUDGE [dr3d7]
DRUDGE v. 劳碌; n劳碌的人(英) v. 劳碌(to do hard, menial or tedious work)(记) 比较: dredge(挖泥, 疏通)(例) All day long, I drudged through my boring job.
drudgery DRUDGERY ['dr3d72ri]
DRUDGERY n.苦工(英) n.苦工(fatiguing work)(考) 反义词: rewarding work(美差)
drum DRUM [dr3m]
DRUM n. 鼓(英) 鼓(instrument consisting of a hollow round frame with skin stretched tightly across the open end[s] which is struck with sticks)(考) bow : violin / stick : drum(小提琴用琴弓演奏/ 鼓用棒演奏)trumpet : horn / tambourine : drum(小号是一种号/手鼓 是一种鼓)(例) play the drum in a hand
drummer DRUMMER ['dr3m2]
DRUMMER n. 鼓手(英) n. 鼓手(person who plays drums)(考) drummer : musician / tragedian : actor(鼓手是一种音乐家/ 悲剧演员是一种演员)
drunkenness DRUNKENNESS [dr38k2nis]
DRUNKENNESS n. 醉酒(考) anesthetic : numbness / intoxicant : drunkenness(麻醉剂可以使人麻木 /酒精可以使人沉醉)
dryness DRYNESS ['drainis]
DRYNESS n. 干旱(考) baste : dryness / caulk : moistness(浇油可以防止干燥/ 填塞可以防止潮湿)emollient : suppleness / desiccant : dryness(润肤剂使柔软/干燥 剂使干燥)
dual DUAL ['dju:2l]
DUAL adj. 双重的(英) adj. 双重的(having or composed of two parts)(记) du(二个)+al→二个的 →双重的;比较: duel(决斗), duet(二重的)
dubious DUBIOUS ['dju:bi2s]
DUBIOUS adj. 可疑的;名声不大好的(英) adj. 可疑的(slightly suspicious about);名声不大好的(probab ly dishonest)(考) disaffected : contentment / dubious : conviction(不满的没有满足/怀 疑的没有坚信)反义词:certain(肯 定的)(记) dub(二,双)+ious→二 种状态→不肯定,怀疑的(同) 派生词: dubiety (n. 怀疑,疑惑)
duckling DUCKLING ['d3kli8]
DUCKLING n. 雏鸭,小鸭(英) n. 雏鸭,小鸭(young duck)
duct DUCT [d3kt]
DUCT n. 管道,槽(英) n. 管道,槽(tube or channel carrying liquid, gas, electric)(考) splint : immobilize / duct : convey(夹板用来固定/管道 用来运输)(记) duct本身就是词根,意 思是: 引导,带来
ductile DUCTILE ['d3ktail]
DUCTILE adj. 易拉长的,易变形的; 可塑的(英) adj. 易拉长的,易变形的( that can be stretched, drawn, or hammered; not brittle);可塑的(easily molded; plastic; pliant; pliable)(记) duct(引导)+ile→可 引导的→可塑的; 参考: induction(就职, 入伍)
ductility DUCTILITY [d3k'til2ti]
DUCTILITY n. 延展性,可锻性(考) ductility : malleable / toxicity : poisonous(可塑的有延展性/毒 的有毒性)(记) 联系: ductile(adj.可塑的; duct[引导]+ile[能.. .的] →能引导的→可塑的)
duel DUEL ['dju:2l]
DUEL n. 决斗(英) n. 决斗(a formal fight between two persons)(考) skirmish : insignificance /duel : formality(小战斗的特点是不重 要/决斗的特点是正式)
duet DUET [dju:'et]
DUET n. 二重唱(英) n. 二重唱(a composition for two voices or instruments)
dulcet DULCET ['d3lsit]
DULCET adj. 美妙的(英) adj. 美妙的(soothing or pleasant to hear; melodious)(考) 反义词:cacophonous (刺耳的)(记) dulc(甜sweet)+et→ 声音甜的(同) 同根词: dulcify(把弄甜, 使愉快);dulcimer( 洋琴)
dull DULL [d3l]
DULL adj. 不鲜明的;迟钝的; v.变迟钝(英) adj. 不鲜明的(not bright);(考) tarnish : dull / vitrify : smooth(使失去光泽结果是阴 暗的/使玻璃化结果是 光滑的)反义词:perspicuous (明白的); resplendent(光辉的) ; trenchant(锋利的)(例) Watching television dulls one's wits.
dullness DULLNESS ['d3lnis]
DULLNESS n. 迟钝(考) 反义词:brilliance( 才华横溢)
dumbfound DUMBFOUND [d3m'faund]
DUMBFOUND v.使...惊讶(英) v.使...惊讶(astonis h [making dumb])(例) We were completely dumbfounded by her rudeness.
dummy DUMMY ['d3mi]
DUMMY n. 人体模型, 假人(英) n. 人体模型, 假人(model of the human figure, used for fitting clothes)(例) a tailor's dummy
dunce DUNCE [d3ns]
DUNCE n. 笨人(英) n. 笨人(a dull, ignorant person)(记) 注意不要和下面 的dune(沙丘)相混(例) Mike feels like a dunce when it comes to algebra.
dune DUNE [dju:n]
DUNE n. 沙丘(英) n. 沙丘(a rounded hill or ridge of sand)(考) river : gorge/ wind : dune(河流流过形成峡谷/ 风吹过形成沙丘)(例) The desert is filled with huge sand dunes.
dupe DUPE [dju:p]
DUPE n. 上当者(英) n. 上当者(a person easily tricked or fooled)(考) credulity : dupe / discrimination : connoisseur(易上当者特点是轻信 /鉴赏家特点是有鉴别 力)credulous : dupe / insensitive : boor(易上当者特点是轻信 的/鲁钝的人特点是感 觉迟钝的)coward : craven / dupe : gullible(懦夫的特点是懦弱的 /易上当者的特点是轻 信的)reverent : idolater / tru
duplicate DUPLICATE ['dju:plikit]
DUPLICATE adj. 完全相同的;n.复制品 ; v.复制(英) adj. 完全相同的(exactly like something else);v.复制(make an exact copy)(记) du(二,双)+plic(重复 )+ity→二种重复状态 →复制
duplication DUPLICATION [`dju:pli'kei62n]
DUPLICATION n. 复制,重复(英) n. 复制,重复(being duplicated)(例) Duplication of effort is a waste of time.
duplicitous DUPLICITOUS [du:'plis2t2s]
DUPLICITOUS adj. 搞两面派的,奸诈的; 双重的(记) du(二,双)+plic(重复 )+itous→两面重复( 说话的) →双重的
duplicity DUPLICITY [dju:'plisiti]
DUPLICITY n. 欺骗,口是心非(英) n. 欺骗,口是心非 (hypocritical cunning or deception)(记) du(二)+pilc(重叠)+i ty→有二层(态度)→ 口是心非
durability DURABILITY [`dju2r2'biliti]
DURABILITY n. 持久,耐用(记) durable (adj.持久的;dur[持 久,坚硬]+able)
duration DURATION [dju2'rei62n]
DURATION n. 持续的时间(英) n. 持续的时间(the time that a thing continues or lasts)(考) accelerate : speed / prolong : duration(加速是加快速度/延 长是延长时间)(记) dur(持续)+ation→持 续时间(同) 同根词: durable(耐用的); durance(长期监禁)(例) He will be in hospital for the duration of the school year.
duress DURESS [dju2'res]
DURESS n. 胁迫(英) n. 胁迫(the use of force or threats; compulsion)(记) 和dress(穿衣)一起记 , 给人穿衣服是强迫别人(例) Bob signed the contract, but only because of duress. A promise made under duress need not be kept.
dutiful DUTIFUL ['dju:tif(2)l;(u6)'du:tifl]
DUTIFUL adj.恭敬顺从的,尽职 的(英) adj.恭敬顺从的,尽职 的(filled with a sense of duty)
dwarf DWARF [dw0:f]
DWARF n. 侏儒,矮小的植物; 使变矮小(英) 侏儒,矮小的植物(any human being, animal, or plant that is much smaller than the usual one of its species)(例) a dwarf apple tree/ the art of dwarfing trees.
dwelling DWELLING ['dweli8]
DWELLING n. 住宅,公寓(英) n. 住宅,公寓(place of residence)(考) deportation : country / eviction : dwelling(驱逐从国家赶出/逐 出从住宅赶出)potable : beverage / habitable : dwelling(饮料是可饮用的/住 宅是可住宿的)(例) my humble dweller
dwindle DWINDLE ['dwindl]
DWINDLE v. 变小(英) v. 变小(diminish; shrink; decrease)(考) crawl : proceed / dwindle : decrease(爬是慢慢前进/逐渐 减少慢慢减少)反义词:increase(增 加); proliferate(扩增)(记) 注意不要和swindle( 欺骗、诈骗)相混(例) The sunlight dwindled as the sun set down.
dynamic DYNAMIC [dai'n9mik]
DYNAMIC adj. 动态的; 有活力的(英) adj. 动态的(opposed to static);有活力的(energetic; vigorous)(记) dynam(力量)+ic→有 活力的; n. dynamics(力学)(同) 同根词: dynamo(发电机); dynamite(炸药)(例) a dynamic dancer
dynamite DYNAMITE ['dain2mait]
DYNAMITE adj. 动人心弦的; n.炸药(英) adj. 动人心弦的(exeremel y inspiring);n.炸药(explosives)(例) That news story is really a dynamite.
dynamo DYNAMO ['dain2m2u]
DYNAMO n. 发电机(英) n. 发电机(electric generator)(考) emollient : soothe / dynamo : generate(缓和剂缓和/发电机 发电)
dyslexia DYSLEXIA [dis'leksi2]
DYSLEXIA n. 阅读障碍(英) n. 阅读障碍(impairment of the ability to read)(考) insomnia : sleep / dyslexi read(失眠症是无法睡觉/ 阅读障碍症是无法阅 读)(记) dys(不良)+lex(词语) +ia(病)→阅读障碍(同) 同根词: dysfunction(机能障 碍); dysphoria(烦躁不安) ; lexicon(词典)
dyspepsia DYSPEPSIA [dis'pepsi2,`'pep62]
DYSPEPSIA n. 消化不良(英) n. 消化不良(impaired digestion; indigestion)(记) dys+peps(消化)+ia( 病)→消化不良
dyspeptic DYSPEPTIC [dis'peptik]
DYSPEPTIC adj.消化不良的; 不高兴的(英) adj.消化不良的; 不高兴的(morose, grouchy)(考) 反义词:genial(快乐 的)
eagle EAGLE ['i:gl]
EAGLE n. 雕,鹰(英) n. 雕,鹰(large strong bird of prey)(考) talon : eagle / claw : panther(鹰和鹰爪/豹和豹爪)
eaglet EAGLET ['i:glit]
EAGLET n.小鹰(考) eaglet : bird / frog : amphibian(小鹰属于鸟类/青蛙 属于两栖动物类)
earnest EARNEST ['2:nist]
EARNEST adj. 认真的(考) 反义词:flippant(轻 率的); facetious(玩笑的)
earplug EARPLUG ['i2pl3g]
EARPLUG n. 耳塞(英) n. 耳塞(soft material put into the ears to keep out air, water or noise)(考) earplug : noise / shield : impact(耳塞是为了避免噪音 /盾牌是为了避免攻击)(记) ear(耳朵)+plug(插) →插入耳朵里的东西 →耳塞
earring EARRING ['i2ri8]
EARRING n. 耳环,耳饰(记) 组合词: ear+ring(耳环)
earshot EARSHOT ['r260t]
EARSHOT n. 听力所及范围(考) earshot : hear / ken : see(听力所及范围的能听 到/目力所及范围的能 看到)earsplitting adj. 震耳欲聋的
earsplitting EARSPLITTING ['i2`spliti8]
EARSPLITTING adj. 震耳欲聋的(loud and shrill enough to hurt the ears)
earthly EARTHLY ['2:4li]
EARTHLY adj. 现世的,尘世的;可能 的(英) adj. 现世的,尘世的(of this world, not spiritual);可能的(possible, conceivable)(例) not an earthly chance to win
earthy EARTHY ['2:4i]
EARTHY adj.粗俗的;泥土的(英) adj.粗俗的(unrefine d; coarse);泥土的( of earth)
eavesdrop EAVESDROP ['i:vzdr0p]
EAVESDROP v. 偷听,窃听(英) v. 偷听,窃听(to listen secretly)(考) eavesdrop : conversation / trespass : property(偷听是偷偷听到别人 谈话/侵入是偷偷进入 别人领地)(记) eaves(屋檐)+drop(滴 水),在屋檐下听→偷听
eavesdropper EAVESDROPPER ['i:vz`dr0p2]
EAVESDROPPER n.偷听者,窃听者(考) listener : eavesdropper / observer : spy(偷听者是偷偷听的人 /间谍是偷偷观察的人)
ebb EBB [eb]
EBB v. 退潮; 衰退(英) v. 退潮(to flow back; recede);衰退(decline; wane)(例) Water washed up on the shore , then slowly ebbed away. The politician's popularity has ebbed.
ebullience EBULLIENCE [i'b3li2ns]
EBULLIENCE n. 兴冲冲,亢奋(英) n. 兴冲冲,亢奋(high spirits; exuberance)(考) 反义词:impassivity (冷漠); calm restraint(平静的克 制); impassiveness(冷漠)(记) e(出)+bull(煮、冒气 )+ience→冒出热气→ 兴冲冲
ebullient EBULLIENT [i'b3li2nt]
EBULLIENT adj. 兴冲冲的,热情奔放的(英) adj. 兴冲冲的,热情奔放 的( full of enthusiasm)
eccentric ECCENTRIC [ik'sentrik]
ECCENTRIC adj. 古怪的,反常的 n.古怪的人(英) adj.古怪的,反常的( deviating from the norm; unconventional)(考) hero : admirable / eccentric : unconventional(英雄是可敬的/古怪 的人是非传统的)eccentric : conventional / doyen : uninitiated(古怪的人不会是传统 的/老资格的人不会是 初学的)(记) ec(出)+centr(中心)+ ic→离开中心→古怪的(同) 同根词: centrifuge(离心力); concentrate(集中)(例) His eccentric behavior is sometimes frightening.
eccentricity ECCENTRICITY [`eksen'trisiti]
ECCENTRICITY n. 反常; 怪癖(英) n. 反常;怪癖(deviatio n from ordinary or customary in conduct)
ecdysis ECDYSIS ['ekdisis]
ECDYSIS n.(动物)蜕皮, 换羽毛(英) n.(动物)蜕皮, 换羽毛(the shedding of an outer layer of skin or integument)(记) 由该单词组成另一单 词: ecdysiast(脱衣舞舞 女)
echelon ECHELON ['e62l0n]
ECHELON n. 组织系统中的等级, (军)梯队
echo ECHO ['ek2u]
ECHO n. 回声,回音(英) n. 回声,回音(reflectio n and repetition of a sound)(考) reflection : light / echo : sound(光产生反射/声音产 生回声)(例) The valley echoed back his song.
eclat ECLAT [ei'kl]
ECLAT n.显赫之成功, 荣誉
eclectic ECLECTIC [i'klektik]
ECLECTIC adj. 折衷的, 综合性的(英) adj. 折衷的, 综合性的(selecting from various systems, doctrines, or sources)(记) ec(出)+lect(选)+ic →选出的→折衷的(同) 同根词: intellect(智力, 智慧); collective(集合的)(例) Mary's taste in music is eclectic. She likes every kind.
eclecticism ECLECTICISM [ek'lektisizm]
ECLECTICISM n. 折衷主义(英) n. 折衷主义(an eclectic method or system of thought)
eclipse ECLIPSE [i'klips]
ECLIPSE n.(日, 月)蚀; 名声跌落(英) n.(日, 月)蚀 (complete or partial disapperance of sunlight or moonlight);名声跌落(a dimming or extinction of fame or glory)(考) eclipse : prestige / enervation : vigor(名声跌落是使名声降 低/削弱是使精力降低)(记) ec+lipse(离去=leave )→(名声等)离去; 参考: lapse(时间流逝, 失误)(例) She used to be a famous actress, but she's now in eclipse.
eclogue ECLOGUE ['ekl0g]
ECLOGUE n. 田园诗, 牧歌(英) n. 田园诗, 牧歌(a short, usually pastoral poem)(记) 来自诗人维吉尔的诗 歌集'Eclogue', 估计来自ec(环境)+lo gue(说话)→关于环境 的话→田园诗; 参考: ecology(生态学)
economical ECONOMICAL [`i:k2'n0mik2l]
ECONOMICAL adj. 经济的,节约的(英) adj. 经济的,节约的(caref ul in the spending of money)(考) 反义词:redundant( 多余的)(例) an economical car to run
economize ECONOMIZE [i'k0n2maiz]
ECONOMIZE v. 节省(钱、时间)(英) v. 节省(钱、时间)(to avoid waste or needless expenditure)(记) 来自 economy(经济, 节约)
ecosystem ECOSYSTEM ['i:k2u`sistim]
ECOSYSTEM n. 生态系统(英) 生态系统(ecological unit consisting of a group of plants and living creatures interacting with each other and with their surroundings)
ecstasy ECSTASY ['ekst2si]
ECSTASY n. 狂喜; 激情状态(英) n. 狂喜(great delight; rapture)(考) pleasure : ecstasy / surprise : astonishment(程度: 高兴狂喜/吃惊大吃一 惊)(记) ec(出)+stasy(站住) →(高兴得)出群→狂喜(同) 同根词: statue(雕像); stasis(停滞)
ecstatic ECSTATIC [ik'st9tik,ek`]
ECSTATIC adj. 狂喜的,心花怒放的(例) I was ecstatic when I got the job.
ecumenical ECUMENICAL [i:kju'menik(2)l]
ECUMENICAL adj. 世界范围的, 一般的(考) ecumenical : generality / entire : integrity(一般的有一般性/完 整的有完整性)反义词: diocesan(主教管区的 )
eddy EDDY ['edi]
EDDY n. 漩涡,涡流(英) n. 漩涡,涡流(little whirlpool or whirlwind)(考) stream : eddy / trend : anomaly(旋涡与溪流方向相反 /异常与趋势方向相反)
edict EDICT ['i:dikt]
EDICT n. 法令; 命令(英) n. 法令(an official public proclamation or order);命令(any command or order)(记) e+dict(说)→说出→ 命令;注意不要和add ict(上瘾、沉溺)相混
edifice EDIFICE ['edifis]
EDIFICE n. 宏伟的建筑(如宫殿、 教堂)(英) n. 宏伟的建筑(如宫殿、 教堂)(a large, imposing building)(考) tower : edifice / rampart : barrier(塔楼是一种大建筑/ 壁垒是一种障碍)(记) 和下面的edify(陶冶) 一起记
edify EDIFY ['edifai]
EDIFY v. 陶冶, 启发(英) v. 陶冶, 启发(to enlighten, or uplift morally or spiritually)(记) ed(吃)+ify(表示动作 )→吃下去→启发,陶冶(同) 同根词: edible(可食的); edacious(暴食的)派生词: edification (n. 陶治,教诲); edifying (adj 开导的,启发的)(例) He reads edifying books to improve his mind.
eerie EERIE ['i2ri]
EERIE adj.可怕的,阴森恐怖 的(英) adj.可怕的,阴森恐怖 的(weird; causing fear because strange)(例) a dark and eerie old house(黑暗而可怕的 旧房子)
efface EFFACE [i'feis]
EFFACE v. 擦掉,抹去(英) v. 擦掉,抹去(wipe out;erase)(考) 反义词:blazon(画纹 章); etch(蚀刻)(记) ef+face(脸, 表面)→去掉表面→擦 掉(例) It is not possible to efface the memory of a loved one.
effective EFFECTIVE [i'fektiv]
EFFECTIVE adj. 有效的; 产生深刻印象的(英) adj. 有效的; 产生深刻印象的(maki ng a striking impression)(记) effect(v.生效;ef[出 ]+fect[做] →做出来→生效,效果 )+ive
effeminate EFFEMINATE [i'feminit]
EFFEMINATE adj. 缺乏勇气的,柔弱的(英) adj. 缺乏勇气的,柔弱的( having the qualities generally attributed to women)(记) ef+femin(女)+ate→ 露出女人气→柔弱的(同) 同根词: feminism(女权主义)(例) Bill spoke with an effeminate voice when imitating his sister.
effervesce EFFERVESCE [`ef2'ves]
EFFERVESCE v. 冒泡; 热情洋溢(英) v. 冒泡(bubble; foam);热情洋溢(to be lively and high-spirited)(考) 反义词:be flat(平淡); still(平静)(记) ef+ferv(热)+esce→ 出热→热情洋溢(同) 同根词: fervor(炽热, 热情)(例) the champagne will effervesce. /The children effervesced with excitement.
effete EFFETE [i'fi:t]
EFFETE adj. 无生产力的; 虚弱的(英) adj. 无生产力的(spent and sterile);虚弱的(lacking vigor)(考) 反义词:hale(强健的 )(记) ef(出)+fete(=fetus 胎儿)→不再出胎儿→ 不生育的
efficacious EFFICACIOUS [`efi'kei62s]
EFFICACIOUS adj. 有效的(英) adj. 有效的(producing the desired result)(例) an efficacious treatment, medicine(有效治疗)
efficacy EFFICACY ['efik2si]
EFFICACY n. 有效性,功效(英) n. 有效性,功效(state or quality of being efficacious)(例) test the efficacy of a new drug
effigy EFFIGY ['efid7i]
EFFIGY n. 模拟像(英) n. 模拟像(a portrait statue of a person)(记) ef+fig(形状)+y→照 形造出的→假人(同) 同根词: figment(虚构)
effluvia EFFLUVIA [i'flu:vj2]
EFFLUVIA n.气味,恶臭; 废料(英) n.气味,恶臭(stink);废料(a byproduct or residue)(考) 反义词:desired products(要求的产品 )(记) ef(出)+fluv=flu(指 流出不好的东西)+ia →流污水→恶臭
effluvium EFFLUVIUM [i'flu:vi2m]
EFFLUVIUM n.气味,恶臭(英) n.气味,恶臭(noxious (harmful) smell)
effortless EFFORTLESS ['ef2tlis]
EFFORTLESS adj. 不费力(英) adj. 不费力(requiring virtually no effort)(考) 反义词:grueling(筋 疲力尽的)(记) effort(努力)+less( 不)→不用努力→不费力
effrontery EFFRONTERY [e'fr3nt2ri]
EFFRONTERY n. 厚颜无耻(英) n. 厚颜无耻(unashamed boldness; impudence; temerity)(考) 反义词:decorum(得 体); deference(顺从); timidity(胆怯)(记) ef+front(脸, 面)+ery →不要脸面→厚颜无 耻
effulgence EFFULGENCE [i'f3ld72ns]
EFFULGENCE n. 灿烂的光,强光
effulgent EFFULGENT [i'f3ld72nt]
EFFULGENT adj. 灿烂的(英) adj. 灿烂的(of great brightness)(考) bootless : futility / efflugent : resplendence(无用的无用/灿烂的 灿烂)(记) ef+fulg(闪亮)+ent→ 闪亮的→灿烂的
effusion EFFUSION [i'fju:7(2)n]
EFFUSION n. 倾出,流出(英) n. 倾出,流出(pouring out)(记) ef (出)+fus(流,泻)+ion →流出
effusive EFFUSIVE [i'fju:siv]
EFFUSIVE adj. 流出的; 感情奔放的(英) adj. 流出的(pouring out);感情奔放的(expressi ng excessive emotion)(考) gush : effusive / rage : irate(同义: 感情迸发和感情迸发 的/愤怒和发怒的)emotion : effusive / liberty : licentious(奔放的感情/放肆的 自由)(记) ef+fus(流)+ive→流 出的(例) She is very jolly and has an effusive personality.
egalitarian EGALITARIAN [i`g9li'te2ri2n]
EGALITARIAN adj. 主张人人平等的(英) adj. 主张人人平等的(advo cating the belief that all people should have equal political, social, and economic rights)(记) egalit(平等)+arian →平均主义的, 该词等于equalitarian
egocentric EGOCENTRIC [i:g2u'sentrik]
EGOCENTRIC adj. 利己的(英) adj. 利己的( self-centered)(考) 反义词:altruism(利 他主义)(记) ego(我)+centr(中心) +ic→自我中心的; 参考: egoism(自我主义, 私心)
egotist EGOTIST ['i:g2utist]
EGOTIST n. 自私自利者(英) n. 自私自利者(selfish person)(记) ego(我,自己)+t +ist→以自我为中心 的→自私自利者
egregious EGREGIOUS [i'gri:d72s]
EGREGIOUS adj.(缺点等)过分的, 惊人的(英) adj.(缺点等)过分的 ,惊人的(conspicuou sly bad; flagrant)(记) e(出)+greg(团体)→i ous→超出一般人→过 分的(同) 同根词:gregarious( 喜社交的); aggregate(集合)
egress EGRESS ['i:gres]
EGRESS n.出去,出口(英) n.出去,出口(a place or means of going out; exit)(考) 反义词:entrance(入 口)(记) e+gress(走)→走出去(同) 同根词:digress(离 题); aggressive(进取的)
ejaculate EJACULATE [i'd79kjuleit]
EJACULATE v. 突然叫出或说出, 射出(英) v. 突然叫出或说出, 射出(to eject from a living body; discharge)(记) e+jacul(喷射)+ate→ 喷发→突然说出(同) 同根词:jaculate(把 ...向前扔)
ejaculation EJACULATION [i`d79kju'lei62n]
EJACULATION n.突然大叫(英) n.突然大叫(a short sudden emotional utterance)(例) Everyone in the room heard my ejaculation.
eject EJECT [i'd7ekt]
EJECT v. 喷出,逐出(英) v. 喷出,逐出(to drive out by physical force; expel, oust)(记) e+ject(推)→推出→ 逐出(同) 同根词:abject(可怜 的); dejected(沮丧的)(例) The police ejected the young men who were making such a noise.
elaborate ELABORATE [i'l9b2r2t]
ELABORATE adj. 精致的,复杂的(英) adj. 精致的,复杂的(full ness of detail or ornateness; exquisite)(考) 反义词:abstract(抽 象的, 摘要的)(记) e+labor(劳动)+ate→ (努力)劳动出来的→ 精致的elaborate[I'lXbEreI t]v. 详尽地说明, 阐明(英) v. 详尽地说明, 阐明(to describe in detail; elucidate)(考) fawn : imperiousness / equivocate : directness / articulate : unclear / elaborate : sketchy(奉承的反面特征是傲 慢/含糊其词反面特征 是直接/清楚地说反面 特征是不清楚/详述的 反面特征是粗略)反义词:simplify(简 化)(例) Don't elaborate! I don't want to hear every little detail.
elaboration ELABORATION [i`l9b2'rei62n]
ELABORATION n.详细说明,细致地工 作
elapse ELAPSE [i'l9ps]
ELAPSE v.(光阴)消逝(英) v.(光阴)消逝(to slip or glide away; pass)(记) e+lapse(=leave离开) →离去→消逝; 参考:eclipse(失去名 声)(例) Time elapsed slowly when I waited for the bus.
elastic ELASTIC [i'l9stik]
ELASTIC adj. 有弹性的,灵活的(英) adj. 有弹性的,灵活的(fle xible, adaptive, resilient, supple)(考) ephemeral : endure / inelastic : stretch(短暂的不持久/无弹 性的不伸展)elastic : expand / viable : live(有弹性的可以伸展/ 能活的可以活)(记) e+last(延长)+ic→可 延长出去→有弹性的(例) Rubber bands are very elastic.
elasticity ELASTICITY [`il9'stisiti]
ELASTICITY n.弹性,伸缩力(英) n.弹性,伸缩力(sprin giness, resilience)(考) 反义词:lack of resilience(缺乏弹性 )