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40 Cards in this Set

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An average, or standard, measurement, calculated from the measurements of many individuals within a specific group or population
A biological mechanism that protects the brain when malnutrition disrupts body growth. The brain is the last part of the body to be damaged by malnutrition.
One of billions of nerve cells in the central nervous system, especially in the brain.
The outer layers of the brain in humans and other mammals. Most thinking, feeling, and sensing involve the cortex (Sometimes called the neocortex).
A fiber that extends from a neuron and transmits electrochemical impulses from that neuron to the dendrites of other neurons.
A fiber that extends from a neuron and receives electrochemical impulses transmitted from other neurons via their axons
The intersection between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of other neurons.
A brain chemical that carries information from the axon of a sending neuron to the dendrites of a receiving neuron.
Prefrontal Cortex
The area of the cortex at the front of the brain that specializes in antificpation, planning, and impulse control.
Shaken Baby Syndrom (SIDS)
A life-threatening injury that occurs when an infant is forcefully shaken back and forth, a motion that ruptures blood vessels in the brain and breaks neural connections.
REM (Rapid Eye Movement)
A stage of sleep characterized by flickering eyes behind closed lids, dreaming, and rapid brain waves
An unlearned, involuntary action or movement emitted in response to a particular stimulus. A reflex is an automatic response that is built into the nervous system and occurs without conscious thought
Gross Motor
Physical abilities involving large body movements, such as walking and jumpbing
Fine Motor
Physical abilities involving small body movements, especially of the hands and fingers, such as drawing and picking up a coin.
The response of a sensory system (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose) when it detects a stimulus.
The mental processing of sensory information when the brain interprets a sensation
Binocular Vision
The ability to focus the two eyes in a coordinated manner in order to see one image
A process that stimulates the body's immune system to defend against attack by a particular contagious disease. Immunization may be accomplished either naturally (by having the disease) or through vaccination (often by having an injection). Also called inoculation or vaccination.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
A situation in which a seemily healthy infant, at least 2 months of age, suddenly stops breathing and dies unexpectedly while sleeping
A custom in which parents and their children (usually infants) sleep together in the same bed. (Also called bed-sharing)
Sensorimotor Intelligence
(Birth to about 24 months)
Piaget's term for the way infants think--by using their SENSES and MOTOR SKILLS--during the first period of cognitive development
6 Stages of Sensorimotor Intelligence (Piaget): What are the three reactions labeled?
Primary Circular Reactions (Stages 1-2)
Secondary Circular Reactions (Stages 3-4)
Tertiary Circular Reactions (Stages 5-6)
Primary Circular Reactions
**The first two stages involve the infant's responses to his or her own body.

Stage 1 (Stage of reflex) (Birth to 1 month):
Reflexes (sucking, grasping, staring, listening

Stage 2 (aka Stage of First Habits) (1-4 months):
First acquired adaptations: Accommodation and coordination of reflexes. (ex. sucking a pacifier differently from a nipple; grabbing a bottle to suck it
Secondary Circular Reactions
**These two stages involve the infant's responses to objects and people.

Stage 3 (4-8 months)
Making interesting sights last: responding to people and objects. Ex. Clapping hands when mother says "patty-cake"

Stage 4 (8-12 months):
New adaptation and anticipation (or the means to the end): becoming more deliberate and purposeful in responding to people and objects. Ex. Putting mother's hands together in order to make her start playing patty-cake.
Tertiary Circular Reactions
**The last two stages are the most created, first with action and then with ideas.

Stage 5 (12-18 months):
New means through ACTIVE experimentation: experimentation and creativity in the actions of the "LITTLE SCIENTIST." Ex. putting a teddy bear in the toilet and flushing it.

Stage 6 (18-24 months):
New means through mental combinations: considering beofre doing provides the child with new ways of achieving a goal without resorting to trial-and-error experiments. Example: before flushing, remembering that the toilet overflowed the last time, and hesitating.
Piaget's term for a type of adaptation in which new experiences are interpreted to fit into, or assimilate with, old ideas
Piaget's term for a type of adaptation in which old ideas are restructured to include, or accomodate, new experiences
Object Permanence
The realization that objects (including people) still exist when they can no longer be seen, touched, or heard.

*Piaget believed it began to show at 8 months. New studies show it as early as 4 1/2 months (the chidlren just lack motor skills)
"Little Scientist"
The stage-five toddler (12 to 18 months) who experiments without anticipating the results, using trial and error in active and creative exploration.
Information-Processing Theory
A perspective that compares human thinking processes, by analogy, to computer analysis of data, including sensory input, connections, stored memories, and output.
Visual Cliff
An experimental apparatus that gives an illusion of a sudden dropoff between one horizontal surface and another
Reminder Session
A perceptual experience that is intended to help a person recollect an idea, a thing, or an experience, without testing whether the person remembers it at the moment.
Child-Directed Speech
The high-pitched, simplified, and repetitive way adults speak to infants (also called baby talk or motherese)

*ruch in many sounds that capture infants' attention and make them feel comforted, happy, or excied
The extended repetition of certain syllables, such as ba-ba-ba, that begins when babies are between 6 and 9 months old.

Ex. ma-ma-ma, da-da-da, ba-ba-ba
Naming Explosion
A sudden increase in an infant's vocabulary, especially in the number of nouns, that begins at about 18 months of age.

*Once spoken vocab reaches 50 words, it builds quickly, at a rate of 50 to 100 words/month.
A single word that is used to express a complete, meaningful thought.

Ex. "Dada!" "Dada?" "Dada."
Behaviorist (Learning Theory) View on Language Development
B.F. Skinner
All learning is acquired, step by step, through association and reinforcement.

B.F.Skinner noticed that spontaneous babbling is usually reinfoced. Typically, everytime a baby says "ma-ma-ma-ma" a grinning mother appears, repeating the sound as well as showering her baby with attention, praise, and perhaps food. Thus it's exactly what the infant wants.

Key Ideas:
-Parents are expert teachers, and other caregivers help them teach children to speak.
-Frequent repetition of words is instructive, especially when the words are linked to the pleasures of daily life.
-Well-taught infants become well-spoken children
**Adults teach language and infants learn it. (Adults must speak to their babies)
Noam Chomsky's View
Language is too copmlex to be mastered merely through step-by-step conditioning (as opposed to Skinner)
-Focused on similarities in language acquisition. Noting that all young children master basic grammar at about the same age.
-Language acquisition device (LAD)
-"language is a window on human nature, exposing deep and universal featuers of our thoughts and feelings
-Infants are primed to grasp the particular language they are exposed to, making caregiver speech "not a 'trigger' but a 'nutrient'"
Social-Pragmatic View
It holds that the crucial starting point for language learning is neither vocabulary reinforcement (Skinner) nor innate verbal understading (Chomsky) but rather a social impulse towards communication.
-Infants communicate in every way they can because humans are social beings, dependent on one another for survival, well-being, and joy.
-It is the emotional message of speech, not the words, that propels infants to learn language
Language Acquisition Device
Chomsky's term for a hypothesized mental structure that enables humans to learn language, uncluding the basic aspects of grammar, vocabulary, and intonation