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21 Cards in this Set

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Isotopes of hydrogen names
protium, deuterium, tritium
Bohr model
electrons travel in specific orbits at specific energy levels around dense, positive nucleus
Energy difference between energy levels
Quantum Mechanical Model
electrons move in complex patterns called orbitals, defined by areas where you are most likely to find the electron
Heisenberg uncertainty principle states...
impossible to know both an electron's position and momentum at same time
Hund's rule states...
electrons prefer to be unpaired with parallel spins.
Energy value of a quantum (J) = ?
= Planck's constant (J·s) * frequency of radiation (1/s)
Planck's constant (h)
6.626 x 10^-34 J•s
6.02 · 10^23
Energy of an electron (J)=
(related to permitted angular momentum values)
- Rydberg constant (J) /
n^2 (dimensionless)

as n increases, E increases (due to negative sign)
Rydberg constant (R subscript H)
2.18 · 10^-18 J/electron
Electromagnetic Energy of excited photon (J) =
(Plank's constant (J·s) * speed of light (m/s)) /
wavelength of radiation (m)
speed of light (c)
3.00 * 10^8 m/s
Energy of frequency of light emitted by an electron (J) =
- Rydberg constant (J) ( (1 / initial n^2) - ( 1 / final n^2) )

The energy of the emitted photon corresponds to the precise difference in E b/w the higher E initial state and the lower E final state.
n (principal quantum number) =

n, l, m(l), m(s)
any positive integer

larger value = higher energy & larger radius of orbital
2n^2 = electron capacity
l (azimuthal / angular momentum quantum number) =

n l m(l) m(s)
0 to (n-1)
l = 0 = s subshell
l = 1 = p subshell
l = 2 = d subshell
l = 3 = f subshell etc.

refers to shape and number of subshells w/in given principal E level
m subscript l (magnetic quantum number) =

n l m(l) m(s)
-l to +l including 0

specifies particular orbital w/in a subshell (orbital can hold max 2 e), # of possible values = # of orbitals
m subscript s (spin quantum number) =

n l m(l) m(s)
-1/2 or +1/2

Denotes one of two spin orientations.
In same orbital, must have opposite (parallel) spins.
Electron Subshell Flow Diagram
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
4s 4p 4d 4f
5s 5p 5d 5f
Draw out at beginning of Phys. Sci. Section
atoms made up of unpaired electrons so that a magnetic field will cause parallel spins in unpaired e's ∴ causing an attraction
materials consisting of atoms with all paired e's, meaning they will be slightly repelled by a magnetic field