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37 Cards in this Set

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Development of a physical need for a psychoactive drug.
Drugs that bind to a receptor and mimic the effects of the neurotransmitter that normally fits that receptor.
altered state of consciousness
A condition that exists when changes in mental processes are extensive enough to produce noticeable differences in psychological and behavioral functioning.
Drugs that bind to a receptor and prevent the normal neurotransmitter from binding.
blood-brain barrier
A characteristic of blood vessels in the brain that prevents some substances from entering brain tissue.
circadian rhythm (human biological rhythm)
A cycle, such as waking and sleeping, that repeats about once a day.
CNS depressant drugs
Psychoactive drugs that inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system.
CNS stimulating drugs
Psychoactive drugs that increase behavioral and mental activity.
The awareness of external stimuli and our own mental activity.
consciousness state
The characteristics of consciousness at any particular moment.
dissociation theory
A theory proposing that hypnosis is a socially agreed-upon opportunity to display one’s ability to let mental functions become dissociated.
The production during sleep of story-like sequences of images, sensations, and perceptions that last from several seconds to many minutes; it occurs mainly during REM sleep.
drug abuse
(substance abuse) The use of psychoactive drugs in ways that deviate from cultural norms and cause serious problems for the user.
drug tolerance
A condition in which increasingly larger drug doses are needed to produce a given effect
drug withdrawal
A set of symptoms associated with ending the use of an addictive substance.
hallucinogenic drugs
Psychoactive drugs that alter consciousness by producing a temporary loss of contact with reality and changes in emotion, perception, and thought.
A phenomenon that is brought on by special techniques and is characterized by varying degrees of responsiveness to suggestions for changes in a person’s behavior and experiences.
hypnotic susceptibility
The degree to which a person responds to hypnotic suggestion.
A sleep disorder in which a person has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night.
jet lag
Fatigue, irritability, inattention, and sleeping problems caused by air travel across several time zones.
lucid dreaming
Being aware that a dream is a dream while it is occurring
daytime sleep disorder in which a person suddenly switches from an active waking state into REM sleep.
Frightening dreams that take place during REM sleep
NREM (nonrapid eye movement) sleep
Sleep stages 1, 2, 3, and 4; they are accompanied by gradually slower and deeper breathing; a calm, regular heartbeat; reduced blood pressure; and slower brain waves. (Stages 3 and 4 are called slow-wave sleep.)
Psychoactive drugs that produce both sleep-inducing and pain-relieving effects.
psychoactive drugs
Chemical substances that act on the brain to create psychological effects.
The study of psychoactive drugs and their effects.
REM (rapid eye movement) sleep
The stage of sleep during which muscle tone decreases dramatically but the EEG resembles that of someone who is awake.
role theory
A theory proposing that hypnotized people act in accordance with a social role that provides a reason to follow a hypnotist’s suggestions.
sleep apnea
A sleep disorder in which a person briefly but repeatedly stops breathing during the night.
sleep deprivation
A condition in which people do not get enough sleep; it may result in reduced cognitive abilities, inattention, and increased risk of accidents.
sleep terror disorder (night terrors)
The occurrence of horrific dream images during stage 4 sleep, followed by a rapid awakening and a state of intense fear.
A phenomenon that starts primarily in non-REM sleep, especially in stage 4, and involves walking while asleep.
state theory
A theory proposing that hypnosis creates an altered state of consciousness.
Another term that describes the mental level at which influential but normally inaccessible mental processes take place.
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
A disorder in which a sleeping baby stops breathing but does not awaken and dies.
The term used to describe a level of mental activity said by Freud to contain unacceptable sexual, aggressive, and other impulses of which an individual is unaware.