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9 Cards in this Set

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Tx is surgery and maintaince of airway type of disease


Gram positive bacteria dx by rapid identification method by latex beads has high fatality in children what is bacteria and tx ?

Scarlet fever

Penicillin some resistance showing up

Dx Is difficult requiring selective and differential media due to lysogenic and non lysogenic strains what is bacteria and treatment


Tx penicillin

Causes otitis media dx difficult because children are mostly effected and cant communicate what is bacteria and tx ?

Haemophilia influenza b

Agmentylin a combo of amoxicillin and calavenic acid

Penicillin in book

Tx for common cold when going to dr office


Dx is signs and symptoms, take troat swab culture bacteria from nose and PCR methods to test swaps in infants what is the tx and disease

Whooping cough

Erythromycin macrolides not effective on onset of paroxysmal stage

Dx is acid fast stain if positive and rods it's enough for the dr to start treatment which is


Combined therapies

Book chemo

Gram positive, capsulated , susceptible to optichin and soluble in bile affecting the bronchi and alveoli name disease and treatment


Resistance to penicillin

Macrolides fluoroquinolone

Chemo book

Dx is sophisticated lab test to detect strain swap from nose and it's a virus what is it and tx ?


Tx vaccine taken every 2 years

Anti viral drugs amantadine rimantadine inhibitors of neuramindase