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40 Cards in this Set

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Louis XVI

Was forced to call for an Estates General meeting about tax reforms: lost control. Last king of France (1774–92) in the line of Bourbon monarchs preceding the French Revolution of 1789. He was executed for treason by guillotine in 1793

Maximilien Robespierre

Architect of the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. As the leading member of the Committee of Public Safety from 1793, encouraged the execution, mostly by guillotine, of more than 17,000 enemies of the Revolution.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Rose within the French army during the wars of the French Revolution; eventually became general;led a coup that ended the French Revoltuion; represents French nationalism. When in control he had an authoritarian regime; however, he created the Napoleanic code which protected laws established before like movement of social classes through merit, and the allowance of religious freedom. Defeated at Battle of Leipzig and exiled to Elba in Treaty of Fontainebleau. Escaped, returned to power, and was defeated at Battle of Waterloo by Duke of Wellington, of britain, and exiled to St. Helena.

Charles Darwin

Theory of natural selection: all current living species evolved and adapted in order to survive. Created controversy with Judeo-Christian Bible.

Robert Clive

Led the Battle of Plassey in 1757 for control of Bengal.

Captain James Cook

English Captain who voyaged to Hawaii. Was first welcomed as god; later, killed.

Toussaint L'Overture

Very capable general who led an army of slaves later becoming an organized army. Will play France and Britain against each other. Produces a constitution granting equality and citizenship for all: enacts land reforms; divides plantations up; land is divided equally amongst former slaves abd blacks. Killed by Napoleon in 1803.

Simon Bolivar

Leader and wealthy Creole who wrote Jamaica Letter (1815). Jamaica Letter outlines ideas for Gran Colombia. Hoped on federation similar to U.S. based on enlightenment ideas.

Jose de San Martin

Led independence of viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata which is then known as United Provinces of Rio de la Plata with a republican government. Hailed as liberator of Argentina.

Benito Juarez

An Indian lawyer coming from poverty who later became President of Mexico. Led La Reforma a liberal revolt that aimed to limit the power of the military and the church by redistributing land. His goal was to create a prosperous and fair nation based upon farmers and individual land owners.

Boer Republics

Orange Free State and Transvaal. Diamonds found in Orange Free State in 1867 by british businessman Cecil Rhodes. Gold discovered in Transvaal in 1885.

Panama Canal

Opened in 1914: shortens route between Atlantic and Pacific. Causes US backing of Panama independence movement that from Columbia because of its strategic, economic reasons. Was a remarkable engineering feat and a symbol of the technological and industrial strenght of the US (Manifest Destiny).


Intente belief in pride in one's national culture which is associated with the territory in which they reside. Was caused by Napoleon's expansion and conquering in Europe. Common factors: common culture, shared historical experience, common language, and common location. Causes countries and empires to break up, and causes nations to be created (self-determination). Originated in western Europe.


A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The "Social Question"

Issues relating to repressed classses in western Europe during the Industial Revolution, particularly workers and women; became more critical than constitutional issues after 1870.

First-Wave Femenism

Emerged out of liberal and radical politcs. Primarily focused on women's suffrage (right to vote). At Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 movement's ideology and political strategies are outlined.

"Scramble for Africa"

During the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 (organized by Otto van Bismarck) Africa was partitioned into colonies controlled by Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. No African representatives are present during conference. Divisions were made without concerns for ethnic or cultural groups.

Tropical Dependency Colonies

Colonies in which few Europeans ruled many indegenous people. For example, Africa (Congo), Asia (India), South Pacifica (Java).

Settlement Colonies

Colonies with white dominions. For exmaple, Canada and Austalia. In these colonies Europeans settled in the colony permanently to inhabit most of the region.

White Racial Supremacy

Belief in the inherent mental, moral, and cultural superiority of whites; peaked in acceptance in decades for World War I; supported by social science doctrines of social Darwinists such as Herbert Spencer.

Cultivation System

Dutch policy that required peasants plant a fifth of their land with export crops, which had to be turned over to the Dutch as taxes.


Independent military leaders that rose to power as instability increased; began Latin America trend of military involvement in governments.

Monroe Doctrine

1823 "hands off" policy. The policy states that any attempt by Europe to colonize in the Americas would be seen as an attack on US; extension of US foreign policy.

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

The Agreement in 1848 ending the Mexican-American war; resulted in the loss of texas and California to the U.S, left a widespread American distrust of Latin America. Also caused nationalism in Mexico.

La Reforma

Liberal revolt led by Benito Juarez which aimed to limit the power of the military and the church by redistributing land.

French Revolution of 1789

Overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy through a revolution beginning in 1789; created a republic and eventually ended with Napoleon's French empire; the source of many liberal movements and constitutions in Europe.

A major change in government that began in 1789; it brought an end to the absolute monarchy and a start to a representative government.

Five Political causes of first French Revolution:

1. Absolutism is dying2. King's ministers were his favorite aristocrats3. Speech and press were very censored4. Using "letters de cachet" (arrest warrants)5. King denied people a voice

New National Assembly (third state) issues Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen (DOROMAC). DOROMAC: liberty, rights to property (not owned by state), security, and resistance to oppression. The National Assembly was created during the Tennis Court Oath which pledged they will keep meeting until France has a new constitution.

Reign of Terror (1792-1795)

Led by Maximilien Robespierre and Jacobins.

Industrial Revolution

Revolution leading to production of goods that occurred in the factory rather than the home. Factors of industrialization (CELL): Capital; Entrepreneurship; Land; Labor. Began during 18th c. English textile industry.

Series of changes in economy of Western nations between 174 and 20th century; stimulated by rapid population growth, increase in agricultural productivity, commercial revolution in 17th century, and developement of new means of transportation; in essence involved technological change and the application of machines to the process of production

American Revolution (1776)

Revolution resulting because of: Enlightenment philosophies; American colonies developing unique identities separate from Britain; colonists angered by new taxes and trade controls after Seven Years' War (Taxation without Representation).

Declaration of Idependence of 1776: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

American Constitution in 1776: separation of power by clerks and balance; bill of rights.

Unification of Italy (also known as Risorgimento)

Unification of nation.

Barriors to unification: illiteracy, the Pope, lack of consensus, lack of European support.

Factors supporting unification: geography, pride in heritage, italian culture.

Garibaldi, outmaneuvered by the experienced realist Count Camillo di Cavour, yielded his territories to Cavour in the name of Italian unification.

Problems: Right to vote was limited to upper/middle class property holders, diagreements over imperialism, lacked industry and natural resources.

Unification of Germany

Unification of nation.

A Junker (the Prussian name for an aristocratic landowner from old Prussia in the east) named Otto von Bismarck pushed unification through "blood and iron" and skillful understanding of realpolitik.

Barriors to unification: European fears of the unification of the nation; Protestant/Catholic tensions (Thirty Years' War); Prussia would be the strongest state

Factors supporting unification: common culture, and intellectual support.

1871 Unified under Wilthem I, King of Prussia.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

Event led to legislation supporting rise of Unions.

Battle of Isandhlwana

1789 battle with Zulu victory over the British. The Battle would remain an important landmark in the history of Africa as an example of defiance against European Imperialism.

Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement

Movement in 1856-1857 in which Nongqawuse had a vision that if the Africans killed their animals and crops the invaders would move out; prophecy did not come true and people found themselves destitute; part of the neo-conservaite movements that aim to revive indigenous life in response to European expansion.

Boer War

War in 1899-1902 occuring when the Boers declared war on the British for invading their republics and interfering with Boer interests. British were victorious

Spanish-American War

1989 war caused by Yellow Journalism when USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor. US victory over Spain leading to direct US involvement in the Caribbean.

Mexican-American War

War during 1846-1848 with Mexico which began in 1846 when the U.S. annexed Texas and Mexico challenged the Border. Battles were fought in Texas, and Mexico was invaded from the Atlantic Ocean by General Winfield Scott. Scott attacked Mexico City and Chapultepec. The war ended with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

Congress of Vienna

A series of meetings in 1814-1815, lwd by Klemens von Metternick during which the European leaders sought to establish long-lasting peace and security after the defeat of Napoleon. It restored balance of power between European countries to prevent any European country from dominating continent again and the map of Europe was redrawn. Is successful.

German Empire

Second Reich from 1871 to 1918. Under Kaiser Wilhem I, King of Prussia.

British Raj

Rule during 1857 to 1947 which was british politcal establishment in India directly controlled by the Crown. British put themselves at the top of the social hierarchy instead of changing system.