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22 Cards in this Set

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Drugs that act against disease are...

Chemotherapeutic agents

Drugs that treat infections are...

Antimicrobial agents

Chemicals that affect physiology in any manner are known as...


Penicillium chrysogenum is classified as a...


Penicillium chrysogenum released the first discovered antibiotic known as...


Chemically altered antibiotics that last longer and are more effective are known as...

Semi synthetic antimicrobials

Antimicrobials that are completely synthesized in a lab are known as...

Synthetic drugs

The number of different pathogens that a drug acts against is known as...

The spectrum of action

Define the zone of inhibition...

It is the area around the paper disc in the Kirby Bauer susceptibility test that shows the least amount of the antibiotic needed to inhibit the growth of microbes.

The ratio of the dose of drug that can be tolerated to the drugs effective dose...

Therapeutic index

What are 2 results of the disruption of normal microbiota?

1. Secondary Infections

2. Overgrowth normal flora-super infections

True or False: Some pathogens are naturally resistant to antimicrobial drugs.


True or False: Resistance in bacteria can be acquired by new mutations of chromosomal genes.


True or False: Acquisition of 'R' Plasmids via transformation, transduction and conjugation are a way in which resistance by bacteria can be acquired.


How many mechanisms of microbial resistance are?

At least seven mechanisms.

This protein that is produced by mycobacterium tuberculosis binds DNA gyrase which prevents the binding of fluoroquinolone drugs.

MfpA protein

True or False: A pathogen can acquire resistance to more than one drug.


Multidrug-resistant pathogens are resistant to at least how many antimicrobial agents?


Resistance is common when what is exchanged?

'R' Plasmids

What breaks a bond in penicillin rendering it inactive?

Beta lactamase

Name the two main types of resistance.

Multiple resistance and cross resistance

Name some ways of retarding resistance.

1. Use antimicrobials only when necessary.

2.Develop new variations of existing drugs such as 2nd and 3rd generation drugs.

3. Search for new antibiotics, semi synthetics and synthetics.