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35 Cards in this Set

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What is the action of an anti microbial agent?

To alter cell walls and membranes.

These viruses have greater tolerance to harsh conditions...

Non-enveloped viruses

Due to osmotic effects, when damaged, this happens...

Cells burst

Once a cell wall is damaged by an antimicrobial agent, these things are next to be damaged...

Proteins and nucleic acids

Through action on RNA, an antimicrobial agent can do what?

Halt protein synthesis.

List the following terms in order from most resistant to most susceptible:

Gram negative bacteria, Mycobacteria, Prions, Enveloped Viruses

1. Prions

2. Mycobacteria

3. Gram negative bacteria

4. Enveloped viruses

These types of germicides kill all pathogens including endospores...

High-level germicides

These types of germicides kill vegetative bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some viruses...

Low-level germicides...

These types of germicides kill fungal spores, protozoan cysts, viruses and pathogenic bacteria...

Intermediate germicides

High temperatures _________ proteins.


The lowest temperature that kills all cells in broth in 10 minutes is called what?

Thermal death point

The time to sterilize the volume of liquid at set temperature is called what?

Thermal death time

More effective than dry heat...

Moist heat

Name four methods of microbial control using moist heat...

1. Boiling

2. Autoclaving

3. Pasteurization

4. Ultra-high temperature sterilization

True or false: Endospores, protozoan cysts and some viruses can survive boiling


What are the conditions for autoclaving?


15 psi

15 minutes

This method of moist heat is used for milk, ice cream, yogurt and fruit juices. It is not sterilization as some heat-tolerant microbes survive.


What are the conditions for ultra high temperature sterilization (which is a method of moist heat)?

141°C for 1-3 seconds

Then rapid cooling

This type of heat denatures proteins and oxidizes metabolic and structural chemicals.

Dry heat

What is the ultimate means of sterilization?


True or False: Refrigeration and freezing decrease microbial metabolism, growth and reproduction.


This inhibits growth due to the removal of water...


This term, which is also known as freeze-drying, is used for long-term preservation of microbial cultures...


True or False: High concentrations of salt or sugar in foods can inhibit the growth of microbes.


In a hypertonic solution of salt or sugar, cells lose what?


This type of radiation preserves food and sterilizes medical equipment. It also destroys DNA.

Ionizing radiation

This type of radiation forms thymine dimers to inhibit transcription and replication.

Non-ionizing radiation

This method of microbial control has a disagreeable odor and possible side effects. It is commonly used in healthcare settings, labs and homes. It can remain active for a prolonged time.


Swabbing the skin with this, prior to an injection, removes most microbes.


Alcohols and halogens or iodine are considered what level of antimicrobial chemicals?

Intermediate level antimicrobial chemicals

Peroxide, ozone and peracetic acid are what type of agent?

Oxidizing agents

What is another name for a surface active chemical used in soaps & detergents?


Copper, which can control algal growth, is what type of microbial control?

Heavy metals

Formalin, used in embalming and disinfection of rooms and instruments, is what type of anti-microbrial agent?


Lysozyme, which is used to reduce the number of bacteria in cheese, and, prionzyme, which can remove prions on medical instruments, are classified as what?
