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15 Cards in this Set

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They are the most diverse group of cellular microbes, they thrive in various habitats and only a few are capable of colonizing humans and causing disease. They are?


These come in all shapes and sizes and are often mistaken as cocco bacterium with gram positive stain.


These have defensive strategy against unfavorable conditions and each one germinates to form a vegetative cell. They can live in extreme conditions for long periods of time.


All prokaryotic cells reproduce ______________.


The three main methods of asexual reproduction for prokaryotic cells are...

1. Binary fission

2. Snapping division

3. Budding

Name the four phases of binary fission.

1. Lag phase-RNA & Enzyme synthesis

2. Log phase-Mature & reproduce

3. Stationary-Not reproducing

4. Death-die at same rate of reproduction

Describe snapping division.

The cell wall forms but the daughter cell is still inside the original cell wall. Then the original wall ruptures forming a hinge.

Describe budding.

DNA replication is first. Then, elongation occurs. The daughter cell buds off of the mother cell. The daughter cell is smaller. It is not split in half like in binary fission.

Archaea lack true_________________.


Cell membrane lipids in archaea have branched ____________________ chains.


Name the four main shapes for archaea.

1. Cocci

2. Bacilli

3. Spirals

4. Pleomorphic

True or False: Archaea are known to cause disease.

False. They are not known to cause disease.

Extremophiles that inhabit extremely saline habitats and depend on greater than 9% sodium chloride to maintain integrity of their cell walls are known as _______________.


The largest group of archaea which convert carbon dioxide, hydrogen gas and organic acids to methane gas are known as _________________.


Where do some methanogens live in animals?

In their colons.