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52 Cards in this Set

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What are the characteristics of minerals?

naturally occurring (in nature), inorganic (not living), solid, a definite chemical composition, & an orderly arrangement of atoms

What are the 2 main family of rock forming minerals?

silicates & non-silicate

What are silicates?

mineral group that has silicon and oxygen in it.

What are non-silicates?

minerals that do not contain silicon

What is crystallization?

when particles dissolved in a liquid or a melt solidify and form crystals

How can minerals come from cool solutions?

As water moves over or into the ground it can dissolve minerals from the soil. Also, sea animals can use salts from seawater to make shells or coral.

How can minerals come from hot solutions?

changes in pressure & temperature can work with erosion to break minerals down and form new minerals.

What is magma?

molten rock below ground

What is lava?

molten rock above ground

What is a mineralogist?

scientists who study minerals

Know the different properties of minerals?

color, streak, luster, hardness, cleavage & fracture, and density.

Why can you not depend on color to determine a mineral?

Minerals may change color due to weathering and several different minerals can have the same color and some minerals can have more than 1 color due to impurities.

What is luster?

The way a mineral reflects or absorbs light at its surface

Name different types of luster?

metallic or nonmetallic . Nonmetallic luster includes waxy, glassy, silky, pearly, earthy (dull)

What is streak?

The color of a mineral in powdered form when scratched on porcelain tile.

Why is streak more reliable than color?

Outside color can change due to weathering. The streak comes from inside the mineral and is more reliable. It is only useful for minerals softer than porcelain.

What is hardness?

The resistance of a mineral to being scratched.

Describe Mohs’ hardness scale?

. A scale that compares the hardness of different minerals. The scale goes from 1 - 10. 1 (talc) is the softest mineral and 10 (diamond) is the hardest.

What is cleavage?

when minerals break with smooth, flat surfaces

What is fracture?

When a mineral breaks and forms uneven surfaces.

What is density?

mass divided by volume of an object

Name the special properties used to identify minerals?

. texture, chemical reactivity, smell, fluorescence, magnetism

What is an ore?

Rock that contains high enough concentrations of a substance to mine it for profit.

What is a gemstone?

a rare and attractive mineral that can be worn as jewelry

What is a rock?

natural, solid mixture of minerals or grains

How are rocks classified?

by texture and composition

What is texture?

The grain size and the way grains fit together in a rock

What is composition?

What minerals make up a rock

Scientists place rocks in groups based on?

how they form

Name the 3 groups of rocks?

igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary

How is igneous rock formed?

when magma or lava cools and crystallizes

Where can igneous rock form?

subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges, & hot spots where volcanoes are common

What is sediment?

rock material that forms where rocks are broken down into smaller pieces or dissolved in water as rocks erode.

Where do sedimentary rocks form?

where sediment is deposited- rivers & streams, deserts, beach, valleys.

What is the rock cycle?

The series of processes that change one type of rock into another type or rock

What are the 2 types of igneous rock?

intrusive and extrusive

What is intrusive igneous rock?

rock formed from magma cooling underground

What is extrusive igneous rock?

rock formed from lava cooling above ground

Intrusive rocks usually have grains?

coarse or large

Extrusive rocks usually have grains?

fine or small

What is compaction?

The weight from the layers of sediment force out fluids and decrease the space between grains

What is cementation?

Minerals dissolved in water crystallize between sediment grains

How are sedimentary rocks formed?

sediments, rock fragments, minerals or organic materials are deposited, compacted, and cemented together.

Name the 3 types of sedimentary rocks?

Clastic, biochemical and chemical

What are clastic rock?

sedimentary rocks made up of broken pieces of minerals and rock fragments

What are clasts?

broken pieces and fragments of rocks

What are chemical rocks?

sedimentary rocks that crystallize directly from water

What are biochemical rocks?

sedimentary rock that was formed by organisms or contains the remains of organisms

How are metamorphic rocks formed?

rocks formed deep within Earth’s crust from high temperature and pressure

How are metamorphic rocks classified?

based on texture- foliated & nonfoliated

What are foliated rocks?

metamorphic rocks that contain parallel layers of flat and elongated minerals

What are nonfoliated rocks?

metamorphic rocks that have mineral grains with a random, interlocking texture