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180 Cards in this Set

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Type of chromosome structure breakage

Moves a segment from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome

Typical harmful

Parallels made early on

Chromosomes and genes are both present in pairs in diploid cells

Homologous chromosomes separate and alleles segregate during meiosis

Sister chromatids separate to form 4 haploid gamete cells

Fertilization restores the paired condition for chromosome and genes

Chromosome theory of inheritance

Genes occupy specific loci on chromosomes

Chromosomes undergo segregation and independent assortment during meiosis

Homologous chromosomes accounts for segregation of the alleles at each genetic locus to different gametes

Nonhomologous chromosomes account for independent assortment of alleles for 2 or more genes on different chromosomes

First to provide evidence of a specific gene on a specific chromosome

Thomas hunt Morgan, 1900s

Mated fruit flies

Fruit flies are good to use bc

Produce many offspring

Generation bred every 2 weeks

4 pairs of chromosomes (3 autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes)

Wild type ( w+ )

Common in the “wild” was red eyes-phenotype that is more common

Mutant phenotype is alternative to the wild type ( white eyes instead of red)

Correlating behavior of a genes alleles with behavior of a chromosome pair

Morgan mated male (XwY) with white eyes with female (Xw+Xw) with red eyes

F1 gen all red eyes

F2 gen 3:1 ratio but only males had white eyes

Morgan determined that white-eyes mutant allele must be located on the...

X chromosome

How many varieties of sex chromosomes in humans and mammals?

2: X and Y

XX= female, XY=male

Short segments at the ends of Y chromosomes are homologous with the X allowing the two to behave like homologous during meiosis in males

A gene on Y chromosome is called...

SRY (sex determining region on the Y) responsible for development of testes in an embryo (1990)

How many genes on Y chromosomes?

78 genes codes for about 25 proteins

Half are expressed only in tested and some are required for normal testicular function and the production of normal sperm

Sex-linked gene

Gene located on either sex chromosome

Genes on Y chromosomes are Y-linked genes (few of these)

Genes on X chromosome are X-linked genes (contains about 1100)

X chromosomes have genes for many characters unrelated to...


Y-link genes are related to sex

Passing X-linked alleles

Fathers pass x-linked alleles to all their daughters but none of their sons

Mothers can pass to both sons and daughters

For a recessive X-linked trait to be expressed...

A female needs two copies of the allele (homozygous)

Heterozygous females are carriers

A male needs only one copy of the X allele (hemizygous)

Much more common in males than females

Color blindness X-linked

Females need 2 recessive alleles

Male only one recessive allele

Females can be carriers

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Due to absence of x-linked gene called dystrophin (muscle protein)

Characterized by a progressive weakening of the muscles and loss of coordination

Rarely live past 20s


Deficiency blood clotting factor

Prolonged bleeding bc firm clots form slowly

1800s widespread in royal families in Europe

X inactivation

In female mammals, one of the two X chromosomes in each cell is randomly inactivated during embryonic development

Inactive X is Barr body

Barr body

Condensed inactive X chromosome.

Reactivated in ovarian cells that produce eggs

If female is heterozygous for a particular gene located on the X chromosome, she will be a

Mosaic for the character

Mary Lyon

British geneticist

Barr body occurs randomly and independently in each embryonic cell

Females consist of a mosaic of two types of cells (some with active paternal X and others with active maternal X)

After an X chromosome is inactivated

All mitotic descendants of that cell will have the same inactive X

heterozygous for a sex-linked trait female will have half her cells express one allele and the other half the other allele mosaic for that character

ie: heterozygous for an Xlinked mutation that prevents the development of sweat glands

X inactivation involves modification of...

The DNA and the histone proteins by attachment of a methyl (CH3) group to one of the nitrogenous bases of DNA

One of these genes (XIST) becomes active only in Barr chromosome

Copies of RNA attach to X chro. Almost covering it

XIST X-inactive specific transcript

Gene that is activated when methyl group binds to DNA base modifying DNA and histones

This gene becomes active on Barr-body chromosome

RNA of XIST gene attach to X chro. On which they are made, covering it

Inactivated X while RNA products help regulate

Linked genes tend to be inherited together because...

They are located near each other on the same chromosome

Number of linked genes versus recombinant

83% verses 17%

Freq (occurrence of parental types) greater than 50% indicates that genes are linked (on same chromosome)

Linked genes

Genes that are located on the same chromosome inherited together

Each chromosome has hundreds or thousands of genes (except Y)

The crosses of linked genes differ from those expected according to...

Law of independent assortment

Dihybrid cross of genes inherited together on same chromosome=offspring phenotype is 3:1

Dihybrid cross of genes located on separate chromosomes= offspring phenotype is 9:3:3:1

Parental types

Offspring with a phenotype matching one of the parental phenotype

Recombinant type or recombinants

Offspring with no parental phenotypes (new combinations of traits)

Nonparental phenotypes

Involves genetic recombination (combination of traits differing from either parent)

Max of 50% freq of recombination is observed for any two genes on different (nonhomologous) chromosomes

Nonparental phenotypes

Involves genetic recombination (combination of traits differing from either parent)

Max of 50% freq of recombination is observed for any two genes on different (nonhomologous) chromosomes

Recombination of unlinked genes: independent assortment of chromosomes

Physical basis of recombination btw unlinked genes is the random orientation of homologous chromosomes at metaphase I of meiosis

This leads to the independent assortment of alleles

The F1 parent (YyRr) produces 4 gametes with 4 different combos of alleles: YR, Yr, yR, yr

Recombination of unlinked genes: independent assortment of chromosomes

Physical basis of recombination btw unlinked genes is the random orientation of homologous chromosomes at metaphase I of meiosis

This leads to the independent assortment of alleles

The F1 parent (YyRr) produces 4 gametes with 4 different combos of alleles: YR, Yr, yR, yr

Crossing over and linked genes

While some genes are linked, nonoarental allele combos are still produced as a result of crossing over

The physical connection btw genes on same chromosome is broken by crossing over

New combos of alleles and natural selection

Recombinant chromosomes bring alleles together in new combinations in gametes

Random fertilization increases even further variations produced

If these traits are better suited for the environment, organisms will succeed and continue to pass on those genes


Pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II

Result=one gamete receives 2 of same type of chromosome and other receives none


Offspring with this condition have an abnormal number of a particular chromosome

Results from fertilization of gametes where nondisjunction occurred

Monosomic zygote

Has only one copy of a particular chromosome

Trisomic zygote

Three copies of a particular chromosome

Monosomy and trisomy are estimated to occur in btw..

10 and 25% of human conceptions


A condition in which an organism has more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes

Commons in plants

More normal in appearance than aneuploids


3n is 3 sets of chromosomes

Normal gamete fertilizes a diploid gamete produced by nondisjunction of all its chromosomes


4n is 4 sets of chromosomes

2n zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes

Genetic map

An ordered list of genetic loci along a chromosome

Created by Alfred sturtevant (student of Morgan)

Sturtevant hypothesized...

Percentage of recombinant offspring depends on distant btw genes on chromosome

Crossing over is random and can occur at any point on the chromosome

The further apart two genes are, the higher the probability that...

A crossover will occur btw them

Therefore, the higher the recombination freq

Linkage map

Genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination frequencies

Provides an approximate picture of a chromosome

Map units

Distance btw genes

One map unit (centimorgan) represents a 1% recombination frequency

Map unit indidcate relative distance and order, not

Precise locations of genes

Genes that are far apart i the same chromosome...

Have a recombination frequency of 50% and behave as if found on separate chromosome

Physically linked but not genetically linked

Combining linkage maps with other methods like chromosomal banding, geneticists can develop...

Cytogenetic maps of chromosomes

Indicate position of genes due to chromosomal features

Ultimate maps show physical distance btw gene loci in DNA

Alterations of chromosome number or structure cause genetic disorders

Physical and chemical disturbances, errors during meiosis lead to damage of chromosomes or change the number

Large-scale alterations can lead to abortions or cause developmental disorders

Plants tolerate such genetic changes better

New combos of alleles and natural selection

Recombinant chromosomes bring alleles together in new combinations in gametes

Random fertilization increases even further variations produced

If these traits are better suited for the environment, organisms will succeed and continue to pass on those genes


Pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II

Result=one gamete receives 2 of same type of chromosome and other receives none


Offspring with this condition have an abnormal number of a particular chromosome

Results from fertilization of gametes where nondisjunction occurred

Monosomic zygote

Has only one copy of a particular chromosome

Trisomic zygote

Three copies of a particular chromosome

Monosomy and trisomy are estimated to occur in btw..

10 and 25% of human conceptions


A condition in which an organism has more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes

Commons in plants

More normal in appearance than aneuploids


3n is 3 sets of chromosomes

Normal gamete fertilizes a diploid gamete produced by nondisjunction of all its chromosomes


4n is 4 sets of chromosomes

2n zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes

Disorders created by chromosomal alterations

Freq of aneuploid zygotes is high in humans, most lead to abortion

Some types impact than others

Those who survive have a set of symptoms or syndrome, characteristic of the type of aneuploidy


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Removes a chromosomal segment

Genetic map

An ordered list of genetic loci along a chromosome

Created by Alfred sturtevant (student of Morgan)


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Repeats a segment


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Reverses orientation of a segment within a chromosome


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Moves a segment from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome

Typical harmful

Duplications and translocations are


A diploid embryo that is homozygous for a large deletion or a Mae with a large deletion to its single X chromosome..

Usually missing many essential genes

Usually lethal

Reciprocal translocations or inversions can alter...

Phenotype bc genes expression is influenced by its location among neighboring genes

Sturtevant hypothesized...

Percentage of recombinant offspring depends on distant btw genes on chromosome

Crossing over is random and can occur at any point on the chromosome

The further apart two genes are, the higher the probability that...

A crossover will occur btw them

Therefore, the higher the recombination freq

Linkage map

Genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination frequencies

Provides an approximate picture of a chromosome

Map units

Distance btw genes

One map unit (centimorgan) represents a 1% recombination frequency

Map unit indidcate relative distance and order, not

Precise locations of genes

Genes that are far apart i the same chromosome...

Have a recombination frequency of 50% and behave as if found on separate chromosome

Physically linked but not genetically linked

Combining linkage maps with other methods like chromosomal banding, geneticists can develop...

Cytogenetic maps of chromosomes

Indicate position of genes due to chromosomal features

Ultimate maps show physical distance btw gene loci in DNA

Alterations of chromosome number or structure cause genetic disorders

Physical and chemical disturbances, errors during meiosis lead to damage of chromosomes or change the number

Large-scale alterations can lead to abortions or cause developmental disorders

Plants tolerate such genetic changes better

New combos of alleles and natural selection

Recombinant chromosomes bring alleles together in new combinations in gametes

Random fertilization increases even further variations produced

If these traits are better suited for the environment, organisms will succeed and continue to pass on those genes


Pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II

Result=one gamete receives 2 of same type of chromosome and other receives none


Offspring with this condition have an abnormal number of a particular chromosome

Results from fertilization of gametes where nondisjunction occurred

Monosomic zygote

Has only one copy of a particular chromosome

Trisomic zygote

Three copies of a particular chromosome

Monosomy and trisomy are estimated to occur in btw..

10 and 25% of human conceptions


A condition in which an organism has more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes

Commons in plants

More normal in appearance than aneuploids


3n is 3 sets of chromosomes

Normal gamete fertilizes a diploid gamete produced by nondisjunction of all its chromosomes


4n is 4 sets of chromosomes

2n zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes

Disorders created by chromosomal alterations

Freq of aneuploid zygotes is high in humans, most lead to abortion

Some types impact than others

Those who survive have a set of symptoms or syndrome, characteristic of the type of aneuploidy


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Removes a chromosomal segment

Genetic map

An ordered list of genetic loci along a chromosome

Created by Alfred sturtevant (student of Morgan)


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Repeats a segment


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Reverses orientation of a segment within a chromosome


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Moves a segment from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome

Typical harmful

Duplications and translocations are


A diploid embryo that is homozygous for a large deletion or a Mae with a large deletion to its single X chromosome..

Usually missing many essential genes

Usually lethal

Reciprocal translocations or inversions can alter...

Phenotype bc genes expression is influenced by its location among neighboring genes

Sturtevant hypothesized...

Percentage of recombinant offspring depends on distant btw genes on chromosome

Crossing over is random and can occur at any point on the chromosome

The further apart two genes are, the higher the probability that...

A crossover will occur btw them

Therefore, the higher the recombination freq

Linkage map

Genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination frequencies

Provides an approximate picture of a chromosome

Map units

Distance btw genes

One map unit (centimorgan) represents a 1% recombination frequency

Map unit indidcate relative distance and order, not

Precise locations of genes

Genes that are far apart i the same chromosome...

Have a recombination frequency of 50% and behave as if found on separate chromosome

Physically linked but not genetically linked

Combining linkage maps with other methods like chromosomal banding, geneticists can develop...

Cytogenetic maps of chromosomes

Indicate position of genes due to chromosomal features

Ultimate maps show physical distance btw gene loci in DNA

Alterations of chromosome number or structure cause genetic disorders

Physical and chemical disturbances, errors during meiosis lead to damage of chromosomes or change the number

Large-scale alterations can lead to abortions or cause developmental disorders

Plants tolerate such genetic changes better

New combos of alleles and natural selection

Recombinant chromosomes bring alleles together in new combinations in gametes

Random fertilization increases even further variations produced

If these traits are better suited for the environment, organisms will succeed and continue to pass on those genes


Pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II

Result=one gamete receives 2 of same type of chromosome and other receives none


Offspring with this condition have an abnormal number of a particular chromosome

Results from fertilization of gametes where nondisjunction occurred

Monosomic zygote

Has only one copy of a particular chromosome

Trisomic zygote

Three copies of a particular chromosome

Monosomy and trisomy are estimated to occur in btw..

10 and 25% of human conceptions


A condition in which an organism has more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes

Commons in plants

More normal in appearance than aneuploids


3n is 3 sets of chromosomes

Normal gamete fertilizes a diploid gamete produced by nondisjunction of all its chromosomes


4n is 4 sets of chromosomes

2n zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes

Disorders created by chromosomal alterations

Freq of aneuploid zygotes is high in humans, most lead to abortion

Some types impact than others

Those who survive have a set of symptoms or syndrome, characteristic of the type of aneuploidy


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Removes a chromosomal segment

Genetic map

An ordered list of genetic loci along a chromosome

Created by Alfred sturtevant (student of Morgan)


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Repeats a segment


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Reverses orientation of a segment within a chromosome


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Moves a segment from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome

Typical harmful

Duplications and translocations are


A diploid embryo that is homozygous for a large deletion or a Mae with a large deletion to its single X chromosome..

Usually missing many essential genes

Usually lethal

Reciprocal translocations or inversions can alter...

Phenotype bc genes expression is influenced by its location among neighboring genes

Down’s syndrome

Aneuploid condition with 3 copies of chromosome 21

It effects 1 out of every 830

Facial features, heart defects, developmental delays, susceptible to respiratory infections and Alzheimer’s

Born mostly sterile (natural selection)

XXX females and XYY males

Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes

Females: healthy, no unusual physical features

Males: taller, healthy

Klinefelter syndrome

Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes

Result of an extra X in males-XXY

Male sex organs but testes unusually small and sterile

Some breast enlargement and other female characteristics

Monosomy X or Turner syndrome

XO females who are sterile

Only known viable monosomy in humans

Sturtevant hypothesized...

Percentage of recombinant offspring depends on distant btw genes on chromosome

Crossing over is random and can occur at any point on the chromosome

Cri du chat (cry of the cat)

Deletion of chromosome 5

Severely developmental delays, catlike cry

Usually die in infancy

Chronic myelohenous leukemia

Translocation of chromosome 22 and 9

Philadelphia chromosome

The further apart two genes are, the higher the probability that...

A crossover will occur btw them

Therefore, the higher the recombination freq

Linkage map

Genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination frequencies

Provides an approximate picture of a chromosome

Map units

Distance btw genes

One map unit (centimorgan) represents a 1% recombination frequency

Map unit indidcate relative distance and order, not

Precise locations of genes

Genes that are far apart i the same chromosome...

Have a recombination frequency of 50% and behave as if found on separate chromosome

Physically linked but not genetically linked

Combining linkage maps with other methods like chromosomal banding, geneticists can develop...

Cytogenetic maps of chromosomes

Indicate position of genes due to chromosomal features

Ultimate maps show physical distance btw gene loci in DNA

Alterations of chromosome number or structure cause genetic disorders

Physical and chemical disturbances, errors during meiosis lead to damage of chromosomes or change the number

Large-scale alterations can lead to abortions or cause developmental disorders

Plants tolerate such genetic changes better

New combos of alleles and natural selection

Recombinant chromosomes bring alleles together in new combinations in gametes

Random fertilization increases even further variations produced

If these traits are better suited for the environment, organisms will succeed and continue to pass on those genes


Pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II

Result=one gamete receives 2 of same type of chromosome and other receives none

Sturtevant hypothesized...

Percentage of recombinant offspring depends on distant btw genes on chromosome

Crossing over is random and can occur at any point on the chromosome

The further apart two genes are, the higher the probability that...

A crossover will occur btw them

Therefore, the higher the recombination freq

Linkage map

Genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination frequencies

Provides an approximate picture of a chromosome

Monosomy and trisomy are estimated to occur in btw..

10 and 25% of human conceptions


A condition in which an organism has more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes

Commons in plants

More normal in appearance than aneuploids


3n is 3 sets of chromosomes

Normal gamete fertilizes a diploid gamete produced by nondisjunction of all its chromosomes


4n is 4 sets of chromosomes

2n zygote fails to divide after replicating its chromosomes

Disorders created by chromosomal alterations

Freq of aneuploid zygotes is high in humans, most lead to abortion

Some types impact than others

Those who survive have a set of symptoms or syndrome, characteristic of the type of aneuploidy


Pairs of homologous chromosomes do not separate during meiosis I or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis II

Result=one gamete receives 2 of same type of chromosome and other receives none


Offspring with this condition have an abnormal number of a particular chromosome

Results from fertilization of gametes where nondisjunction occurred

Monosomic zygote

Has only one copy of a particular chromosome

Trisomic zygote

Three copies of a particular chromosome


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Moves a segment from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome

Typical harmful

Duplications and translocations are


A diploid embryo that is homozygous for a large deletion or a Mae with a large deletion to its single X chromosome..

Usually missing many essential genes

Usually lethal

Reciprocal translocations or inversions can alter...

Phenotype bc genes expression is influenced by its location among neighboring genes

Down’s syndrome

Aneuploid condition with 3 copies of chromosome 21

It effects 1 out of every 830

Facial features, heart defects, developmental delays, susceptible to respiratory infections and Alzheimer’s

Born mostly sterile (natural selection)


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Removes a chromosomal segment


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Repeats a segment


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Reverses orientation of a segment within a chromosome


Type of chromosome structure breakage

Moves a segment from one chromosome to a nonhomologous chromosome

Typical harmful

Cri du chat (cry of the cat)

Deletion of chromosome 5

Severely developmental delays, catlike cry

Usually die in infancy

Chronic myelohenous leukemia

Translocation of chromosome 22 and 9

Philadelphia chromosome

The further apart two genes are, the higher the probability that...

A crossover will occur btw them

Therefore, the higher the recombination freq

Linkage map

Genetic map of a chromosome based on recombination frequencies

Provides an approximate picture of a chromosome

Map units

Distance btw genes

One map unit (centimorgan) represents a 1% recombination frequency

Map unit indidcate relative distance and order, not

Precise locations of genes

Genes that are far apart i the same chromosome...

Have a recombination frequency of 50% and behave as if found on separate chromosome

Physically linked but not genetically linked

Combining linkage maps with other methods like chromosomal banding, geneticists can develop...

Cytogenetic maps of chromosomes

Indicate position of genes due to chromosomal features

Ultimate maps show physical distance btw gene loci in DNA

Chronic myelohenous leukemia

Translocation of chromosome 22 and 9

Philadelphia chromosome

Exceptions to Mendelian rule

One is inside nucleus: genomic imprinting

One is outside nucleus: extranuclear genes

Sex of parent contributing an allele is a factor

Genomic imprinting

Phenotype depends on which parent passed along the trait

Involves silencing of certain genes

Involves autosomes

Over 60 imprinted genes identified

When does genomic imprinting occur?

During gamete formation

In each generation, old imprints are erased

Bc genes are imprinted differently in sperm and ova, a zygote expresses only one allele of an imprinted gene inherited either from the female or male

Genomic imprinting for insulin-like growth factor 2 in mice

Only paternal allele is expressed

Alllele is imprinted in eggs turning off expression of the imprinted allele

In sperm, not imprinted and functions normally

Imprinting and methylation

Methylation silences an allele

Heavily methylated genes are usually inactive

Extranuclear genes (cytoplasmic)

Found in organelles in the cytoplasm

Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and other plant plastids carry small circular DNA molecules

Extranuclear genes are inherited maternally bc the zygotes cytoplasm comes from the egg

First evidence of extranuclear genes

Inheritance of yellow and white patches on leaves of an otherwise green plant

All mitochondrial genes are

Maternal inheritance

Some defects prevent cells from making enough ATP and affect muscular and nervous system

Mitochondrial mutations occur in normal aging process

Mitochondrial myopathy and lebers hereditary optic neuropathy

Affect oxidative phosphorylation

To avoid mitochondrial disorders

Chromosomes from egg of an affected mother could be transferred to an egg of a healthy donor-two mother egg

Fertilized by sperm and then transplanted to womb of prospective mother