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16 Cards in this Set

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Cancer results from genetic changes that affect cell cycle control

Gene regulation system that goes wrong during cancer are the the same systems involved in embryonic development

(Mutations to gene that normally regulate cell growth and division)

Spontaneous mutations or environmental influences can cause cancer (chemicals, radiation, viruses)


Genes responsible for normal cell growth and division

Conversion of these leads to an oncogene


Cancer-causing genes in some types of viruses

There are 3 ways in which proto-oncogenes can be converted.

1. Movement of DNA within the genome

2. Amplification of a proto-oncogene

3. Point mutation in pg or in its control elements

All lead to too much growth stimulating protein

Tumor-suppressor genes

Normally inhibit cell division

Repair DNA damage (remove chunk that needs replaced)

Control cell adhesion (density)

Act in cell-signaling pathways that inhibit the cell cycle

Mutations that decrease protein products of____may contribute cancer onset

Tumor-suppressor genes

Cell check points

P53 example

Mutations in these genes are common in cancers

ras proto-oncogene and p53 tumor suppressor gene

30% cancers due to mutation in ras gene

50% cancers due to p53 mutation

Ras gene

G protein that relays a signal from growth factor receptor on cells surface

The response to the resulting cascade stimulates cell division


A mutation in ras gene leads to..

Hyperactive ras protein which increases cell division

P53 gene

Prevents cell from passing on mutations when a cells DNA is damaged

It activates expression of miRNA that inhibit the cell cycle and turns on genes that are involved in repair

If dna cannot be repaired, activates apoptosis genes

If mutation in p53 gene...

Prevents suppression of cell cycle which can lead to continue dividing of damaged DNA, passing on mutations

To develop full-fledged cancer..

You need multiple mutations

A cancer cell is usually characterized by one active oncogene and the mutation of several other tumor-suppressor genes

Multiple Hit-hypothesis

Routine screening for some cancers is recommended

Colorectal cancer

Suspicious polyps may be removed before cancer progresses

Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease

2nd most common cancer in women

4 major types from a genomics approach

Individuals can inherit oncogenes or mutant alleles of tumor-suppressor genes

In colon cancer: inherited mutations in tumor-suppressor gene (APC)

In breast cancer: mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene are found in at least half of inherited cancers

A number of tumor viruses can also cause cancer in humans and animals

Viruses can interfere with normal gene regulation in several ways (donate a oncogene, promote multiple copies, can activate p53)

Viruses are powerful biological agents

ie: HPV