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55 Cards in this Set

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Bacteria often respond to environmental change by regulating


A cell can regulate the production of enzymes by feedback inhibition or gene regulation

Operon model

Mechanism for control of gene expression

A cluster of functionally related genes controlled by a single on/off switch


Segment of DNA usually position within the promoter

Acts as a on/off switch


Entire stretch of DNA,

includes the operator, promoter, and genes they control


A protein that can switch off the operon

Prevents gene transcription by binding the operator thus blocking RNA polymerase

Product of regulatory gene located distance away from operon

Regulatory gene

Encodes a repressor protein

Has its own promotor and is some distance away from operon

Expressed continuously at low rates

A repressor can be in an active or inactive form depending on...

Presence of other molecules

A corepressor is a molecule that works with a repressor protein to switch operon off

ie: E.coli can synthesize tryptophan when it has insufficient tryptophan

By default, the trp operon is...

On and genes for tryptophan synthesis are transcribed

When tryptophan is present, it binds to the trp repressor protein, turning off operon

The repressor is active only in the presence of its...


Thus the trp operon is turned off of tryptophan levels are high

Repressible operon

One that is usually on

Binding of repressor to the operator shuts off transcription

ie: trp operon

Inducible operon

One that is usually off

An inducer (molecule) inactivates the repressor and turns on transcription

ie: lac operon

Lac operon

Inducible operon

Contains genes that code for enzymes used in hydrolysis and metabolism of lactose

By itself, the lac repressor is ____ and switches the lac operon _____

Active and off


A molecule that inactivates the repressor to turn the lac operon on

Inducible enzymes usually function in ____pathways


Their synthesis is induced by a chemical symbol

Repressible enzymes usually function in a _____pathway


Their synthesis is repressed by high levels of the end product

Negative control

Gene Regulation of both trp and lac

Operon are switched off by the active form of their repressor protein

Positive control

Gene regulation involving a regulatory protein that acts directly with the genome to switch transcription on

Positive control gene regulation

Through a stimulatory protein (cyclic AMp receptor protein)

When glucose is scarce, CRP is activated by binding with cAMP

Cyclic AMP receptor protein(CRP)

An activator of transcription

Positive control of gene regulation

CRP process

Low glucose, CRP is activated

Attached to promotor of lac operon and increases affinity of RNA polymerase (more transcription)

When glucose levels increase, CRP detaches from lac operon and transcription returns to normal rate

CRP helps regulate other operons that encode enzymes used in...

Catabolic pathways

The ability to catalyze compounds like_____enables cells, deprived of glucose, to survive


Compounds present in any cell determine which genes are switched on

Genes are turned on/off in response to signals from their...

External and internal environments

All organisms must regulate what genes are expressed at any given time

In multicellular, gene expression regulation is essential for cell specialization (each cell must maintain a specific program of gene expression)

Differential gene expression

The expression of different genes by cells with the same genome

Abnormalities in gene expression can lead to cancer

Regulated at many stages but often equated with transcription

A human cell expresses about ___Of its protein-coding genes at a given time


Highly differentiated cells (muscle or nerve) express smaller fractions of their genes

Structural organization of chromatin helps regulate gene expression in several ways

Genes with highly packed heterochromatin are usually not expressed

Chemical modifications to histones and DNA of chromatin influence both chromatin structure and gene expression

Histone modifications and DNA methylation

Histone acetylation


DNA methylation

Can be passed on to future generations of cells

Histone acetylation

Acetyl groups are attached to an amino acid in a histone tail

Add acetyl group makes more hydrophilic

This opens up chromatin structure, promoting initiation of transcription

DNA methylation

Addition of methyl groups to certain DNA bases (histone tails)

Become more hydrophobic

Associated with reduced transcription in some species (condenses chromatin reducing transcription)

Can cause long term inactivation of genes in cellular differentiation

In genomic imprinting, methylation regulates expression of

Maternal or paternal alleles of certain genes

Epigenetic inheritance

The inheritance of traits transmitted by mechanisms not directly involving then nucleotide sequence

“On top of the gene”

Regulation of transcription initiation

Chromatin-modifying enzymes provide initial control of gene expression

They make a region of DNA more or less able to bind the transcription machine

Control elements

Segments of noncoding DnA in most eukaryotic genes

binding sites for transcription factors

Help regulate transcription

Control elements

Segments of noncoding DnA in most eukaryotic genes

binding sites for transcription factors

Help regulate transcription

Critical to the precise regulation of gene expression in different cell types

Control elements and their transcription factors that bind

General transcription factors

Essential for transcription of all protein-coding genes

ie: RNA polymerase needs it to initiate transcription, some bind to TATA box in promoter

General transcription factors

Essential for transcription of all protein-coding genes

ie: RNA polymerase needs it to initiate transcription, some bind to TATA box in promoter

Only when the complete____ has assembled can RNA polymerase begin to move along the template strand of the DNA

Initiation complex

Close to the promoter

Proximal control elements


Distant control elements

Far away from a gene or even located on an intron

Each enhancer is associated with only one gene

An activator is a protein that binds to____and stimulates transcription of a gene

An enhancer

Have 2 domains: one that binds to DNA and a second that activates transcription

Protein-mediated bending

Current model suggest DNA is bent to bring bounds activators into contact with a group of mediator proteins

This helps assemble and position the preintiaition complex

Combinatorial control of gene activation

A particular combo of control elements can activate transcription

Only when the right activator proteins are present

With only a dozen or so control elements, a large number of combos are possible

Coordinately controlled genes in eukaryotes

Co expressed eukaryotic genes are not organized in operons (some exceptions)

Can be scattered over different chromosomes but each has same combo of control elements

Activator proteins in the nucleus recognize specific control elements and promote simultaneous transcription of the genes

Chromatin from different chromosomes...

Congregate at particular sites (rich in transcription factors and RNA polymerase)

Chromosomes conformation capture techniques allow id of regions of chromosomes that interact with each other

Regulatory mechanisms can operate after transcription?

Yes, transcription alone does not consistute gene expression

Fine-tune gene expression rapidly in response to environmental changes

Alternative RNA splicing

Different mRNA molecules are produced from same primary transcript pending which segments are Exons or introns

More than 90% of the human proteins-coding genes undergo alternative splicing

Expands significantly the repertoire of a eukaryotic genome

RNA splicing

It is a proposed explanation for the surprisingly low number of genes in the human genome

Blocked intimation of translation for selected mRNAs

Regulatory proteins, miRNA that binds sequences, structures of mRNA

Alternatively, translation of all mRNAs in a cell may be regulated simultaneously (ie: translation initiation factors are simultaneously activated in an egg following fertilization

____mRNa is more long-lived than ______mRNa

Eukaryotic than prokaryotic

Life span of mRNA molecules in the cytoplasm is important in determining the pattern of protein synthesis in a cell

Resides in the untranslated region (UTR) at the 3’ end of the molecule

Nucleotide sequence that influences life span of mRNA in eukaryotes

After translation, polypeptides undergo processing

Protein processing and degradation

Cleaves and chemical modifications

Length of time each protein functions is regulated by

Selective degradation

Cells mar proteins by attaching ubiquitin to them

This is recognized by proteasomes which degrade the proteins

In a prokaryotic cell, when there is low glucose, there is high...

Cyclic AMP levels

CRP detects cAMP levels and then activate lac operon